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/bane/ - Big Guys (4U)

Crashing this plane with no survivors
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Sorry but say your last words


> "I-"



>When I was a young boy, my father took me to the city to see a marching band. He said, "Son, when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned"?


>"Why would you shoot someone before throwing them out of a plane?"


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I'd probably just mumble "you're a big guy for you" and then get shot.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're in a club with your gf and when this guy slaps her on the ass.

She's now in a wheelchair.

That's it.


You fucking cocksucker motherfucker.


I can't believe he fucking lost

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Post /banecore/ music.

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I am too autistic to go to the gym. Is calisthenics just a meme, or can I actually become a big guy through bodyweight routines?


Cave men didn't need weights and yet they got all buffed up and were ripped looking. You definitely can become a big guy from just calisthenics.


True, but cavemen also exercised basically all day every day because they needed to to survive. I'm talking about 30-45 mins a day.


Calories in vs calories out matters a lot. If your exercise is beginner tier then you also need to monitor your food intake, not just the amount but the types of nutrition you get from your meals.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Replace Gotham for Minneapolis and you get the current situation, including "none shall interfere".

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>me on the left


Living the dream buddy, congrats

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For you.


Pure soy, hot damn


This kind of shit disturbs me in ways no ghost story or gore video ever could.


What is wrong with these people, It makes me feel so sad.


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Same, you can tell it's just a bunch of lonely losers without a significant other and/or without a child. The motherly/fatherly instinct is kicking in but their psyches are too corroded with soy and dogma that they don't want to ever consider having a real child.

I found out that this is actually a pretty common sentiment - especially with teenagers and most (white) people through to the age of 30 or so. They don't want to even consider marriage or settling down and especially not having children. I know they'll regret it later but surely I can allow myself some schadenfreude in the mean time?


If you get married in the age of divorce then I don't know what to tell you, my man.

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>It's apparently meant to be a home away from home for /fit/izens since 4cuck /fit/ is the last one that's still active.

so /bane/ are bodyweight routines memes or worthwhile? I was thinking of getting some olympic rings now that there aren't any gyms to go to
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I'll throw my rocks at your chicken legs and steal your brain when you fall over.


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I'm a pure soylent diet! Soy is strength!
Heres me and my crew




I want to hit every single one of them with one of my rocks.


I'd give Jenny my soylent, if you get my meaning.

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Take Emergen-C every day.


Sam, how do I stop watching porn?


>skim hid

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