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File: 1592173069266.jpg (5.31 MB, 2481x6600, 827:2200, Start-Bodyweight-workout-e….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


I am too autistic to go to the gym. Is calisthenics just a meme, or can I actually become a big guy through bodyweight routines?


Cave men didn't need weights and yet they got all buffed up and were ripped looking. You definitely can become a big guy from just calisthenics.


True, but cavemen also exercised basically all day every day because they needed to to survive. I'm talking about 30-45 mins a day.


Calories in vs calories out matters a lot. If your exercise is beginner tier then you also need to monitor your food intake, not just the amount but the types of nutrition you get from your meals.

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