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/wooo/ - Pro Wrestling

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File: 1612457905993.jpg (146.66 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Perfectly Normal Society.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>From Gabe to "Gabbi". Gabe Tuft former WWE superstar Tyler Reks made her long-awaited gender reveal

>This is a persona he has been hiding in the loud silence of his soul since childhood. Finally, with the blessing of his loving wife Priscilla, Gabe is ready to reveal who he really is. "He" is now known as "She": A beautiful, wise, witty and wonderful woman called "Gabbi". Gabbi is about to share her thrilling story of gender transitioning from a former WWE Superstar, Body Builder, Fitness Guru, Motivational Speaker and Motorcycle Racer to a fun-loving and fabulous female!
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I'm starting to think he was a FtM that detransitioned while calling it a transition.


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I remember how some /fit/ards used to seethe really hard when I used to post this picture and talk about how "bodybuilders" or faggots that use steroids are crypto-trannies.


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Is the son a trap, too?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
He's a tranny and a jew, buddy, ofc he will groom ever single kid if he can, be his son or not

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Good night sweet princess, the vax got another one ;_;

>Sara Lee, Former WWE 'Tough Enough' Winner, Dead At 30
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Ramon's such a stud


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Guess she wasn't tough enough to beat the vaxx


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Damn, Ramon used to fuck Janny Jewsh's mom back in the 90's?

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


no only that, but he know far more than the average wrestling watcher.
Is about time to Gahoole call on his show.


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I am super ramon!

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100 images link http://blaleela.com/1UX4


This website fucking sucks lol


Has she been BLACKED?

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I've been browsing, may Allah forgive me, /pw/ recently for mild entertainment, but those halfchan fuckwits are so fucking unbearable and low effort it's losing its appeal.
Would an active /wooo/ be possible in this cynical post-fun internet or are we fucked?
Also, who is your favorite wrestler who murderer someone? It's hard to beat the Wolverine but then again Scott Hall killed a guy.





First off, people would have to be aware that /wooo/ even existed. Then they'd have to actually give a shit about wrestling.



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Moar liek BBC amirite

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Who's the JBalvin of wrestlers?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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Hot bitches, I'm loving this new dark slut aesthetics


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Is this the deadest board on tvch?


I absolutely would. Reject modernity, return to goth ascetics.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Street Fights and bumfights


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Now Stephanie is CEO


Whoa what?
He didn't fuck hundreds of male wrestlers?

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