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/wooo/ - Pro Wrestling

and combat sports
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File: 1658680135549.png (67.97 KB, 869x637, 869:637, trump_vs_gahoole.png) ImgOps iqdb




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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Street Fights and bumfights


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Now Stephanie is CEO


Whoa what?
He didn't fuck hundreds of male wrestlers?

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How masonic is wrestling?


>Its fake wrestling dance theater thats called "wrestling".
>costumes and alter mk ultra personality
>the crowd cheers for a sacrificial loser that was predetermined in script
>every wrestler is drugged out of their mind
>gay for pay
>it takes place in a cube stage
>viewers are encouraged to believe in the magic
>the rock was given endless film roles
>idol worship


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what did she mean by this


She's an uneducated failure that's washed up on a gay nu-wrestling show, if she studied more then maybe she could speak better English and not make posts like the bottom one.


What a sad, empty nip.


nip btfo


t. Seething Muttni


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Wheel! Chair Rocks!
Wheel! Chair Rocks!
Wheel! Chair Rocks!


Mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga.

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>God I wish that were me


wwe just need to go full horny mode


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It's actually one of the best pins I've seen a woman do. She's leveraging all of her weight. Most women have a low center of gravity, so pinning with a chest pin is actually dumb. She's also hooking the leg.

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What's the most /travisscott/ wrestling move out there? What wrestler is most like based Travis Scott?


More like Travis Nigger.


Mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga.

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