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Ric Flair pic
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Yes, he signed with NWA and is unironically having one more run.


DDP Yoga


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All he has to do is some chops, the figure four, the pussy eating on a train, and his turnbuckle flip over the top rope.


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Flairy's best promo

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120 images link http://blaleela.com/1Urc

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>Karen KWAB


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why is he a gimp


Zed's dead baby

Also Vince is punishing Haitch for his failure by burying all his indie darlings.

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I don't get it.
Is he trying to put Bret Hart Over here?

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>Bah gawd the Wall has a family dammit!


She's very cute.


She is using that filter all the asian girls use. Trust me in real life she looks like a fucking goblin and it definitely isn't worth the $350 it would take to fuck her.

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With the Delta variant mutating and spreading and killing people because of these people who are dumber than Patrick Star not getting the vaccine thanks to that idiot Florida Governor Ron DeSantis the COVID cases are spiking and WWE is worrying that they'll end up bringing back the Thunderdome which is way worse or cancelling Summerslam completely hope not because I want Cena kick Roman Reigns's ass as these idiot Anti-Vaxxers are teaching their kids to drink bleach? YUCK! That is gross! Why do these idiots want their kids to be poisoning themselves instead of getting poked? This is because they worshipped a failure of a certain idiot Karen former president Donald Trump as they told them too drink bleach and use turpentine to cure the virus yeah no Turpentine kills people as it causes brain damage, headaches, sleeplessness, coughing, bleeding inside of the lungs, vomiting, kidney damage, coma and worse death. Take a look at Vicks products they have Turpentine Oil in one of their products and they're the reason why their products were banned in Japan carry them and bam off to prison you go.

I'm going to say to these idiot Anti-Vaxxers:



>The Man
I can't get over this absurdity.
By the way, is that pic real?
I hate you all.

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What is it he really wants?


never stop working the marks

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"Big" Mike Elgin has posted his suicide note on youtube if you are interested. It is unknown at this time whether he has actually gone through with it, or if he is suffering from girl on the internet syndrome.


No news that he's dead so i guess he was just airing out his sadness


Yeah it was bullshit. He did something similar a month or two before where he left a note and disappeared for a day. He is just crying for attention like the pegged bitch boy he is.

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WWE Hall of Famer Bret 'The Hitman' Hart recently made a bold claim that Triple H had transgender relationship in WWE.

'The Hitman' said HHH had a thing for transsexuals. He said, "It was open secret in the locker room. Shawn and HHH would disappear together. One night in Syracuse this enraged male transvestite followed them back to the hotel lobby, and beat the shit out of Shawn, if it wasn't for Bulldog, Michael's would of died that night. I remember the foundation, Jim, Brian, Davey, would really crack them and bust their chops. In Anaheim, I discovered HHH was dating a transsexual. My wife saw them at the hospital where I was getting my knee tested. We just bumped into them. When word got back to the boys, that's when things turned sour. Ultimate Warrior refused to work with "a fucking queer" and their match was cut short. Vince decided "it just wouldn't look good if hunters private life was exposed." So he cancelled his push. I remember telling Hunter all the time, 'Look, don't listen to these guys. It's impossible to date a transgender person in this company without getting hate directed towards you," Bret admitted. "We may not see eye to eye, and your lifestyle may personally disgust me, but i can see you guys seem really happy together." Bret later said, "Despite my tolerance, He seemed really bitter, and blamed me for his lack of a push. I never bullied him about it, I was always a professional. That's why I was surprised when he turned on me" The Hitman explained, "I feel he was offended at all the jokes, the drawings, the ribs, pulled on him, and he built up this seething rage inside of him. That's why he screwed me." Bret remarked, " Years later I came to find out he orchestrated the Montreal screwjob, it was his idea, and all because I made fun of his tranny lover." Bret concluded the interview saying "I pity the man, he's a mentally ill sexual deviant who connived his way to the top. He's a cancer on entire wrestling industry."


omg where is this interview


Apparently it's been retracted…
Can't find the podcast anymore


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that's bullshit but i believe it, based bret, triple h got fucked by chyna's clit dick and steph pegs him every night


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>than all three of you guys combined

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