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Gahoole, are you going to stream Summer Slam?


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Thuganomics Cena was unbelievably based. Then they over pushed him and killed it. All he needed to be was some wigger midcarder and work the occasional uppercard angle. If they had done this with him and allowed other young talent to get a chance besides Cena WWE wouldn't be in the state it is today. Cena would be beloved and unironically a much bigger star than he is. Everything went wonky and now we are stuck in this shithole alt-reality the CIA cooked up to make the 1% movement go away. I hope it was worth your grandsons castrating themselves and your granddaughters fucking nigger, glowies.


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Thuganomics Cena was unbelievably based. Then they over pushed him and killed it. All he needed to be was some wigger midcarder and work the occasional uppercard angle. If they had done this with him and allowed other young talent to get a chance besides Cena WWE wouldn't be in the state it is today. Cena would be beloved and unironically a much bigger star than he is. Everything went wonky and now we are stuck in this shithole alt-reality the CIA cooked up to make the 1% movement go away. I hope it was worth your grandsons castrating themselves and your granddaughters fucking nigger, glowies.


Yeah, ever since Kurt Angle, they've been trying to fast push someone to the absolute top of the card from no buildup.
It's like the fluke of the Wrestling World completely destroyed the business because everybody got lazy.
Of course they tried it before with other stars, and it never worked.
Then it does work, and they force the technique on the business.
I remember being so pissed off when Lesner won the title within a year of being in the business.
I was like
The guy hadn't been there a fucking year and I was expected to follow along with this guy's career and matches as if I was supposed to care.



>Photoshopping NWA World Champion off Lil John's homemade title belt

Vince & Dunn are fucking pathetic!

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>Appearing on Renee Paquette's Oral Sessions prodcast, Mark Heny discussed his relationship with Tony Khan and his goals for AEW.
>"I talked with Tony Khan extensively about white privilege before he signed me," said Henry. "Tony and I are on the same page, and we want to eradicate it from AEW and pro wrestling."
>"Sadly, it's been over a year since George Floyd died, and no national promotion has honored him appropriately. We're discussing many ways to promote the memory and legacy of George Floud in AEW," Henry continued.
>"I am proud to be a part of Tony Khan's vision of a more diverse and inclusive wrestling company."
>Mark Henry is a senior producer and commentator for AEW. Renee Paquette's Oral Sessions podcast is available on YouTube.
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Isn't Tony a paki or some shit? How would white privilege even begin in a business owned by a guy that isn't even white?


His dad is paki but his mom is white so tony is a halfie.


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Based Renee trying to contain her laughter at this uppity nigger

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Gahoole, you streaming this shit?

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 No.270[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Throw the strap on him to signal he is now a main eventer
>Immediately change his costume and make him wear a skirt
>Never have him go over clean, has to resort to chickenshit heel tactics to beat midcard Jr jobbers
>Stick him with a manager who brutally mogs him physically and technically
>Have the manager save him in every single match

Does Gedo have some sort of personal grudge? He is absolutely burying this fat gook shitter.
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>Goto jobbing to 3rd gen boomer
How much lower can he go?



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It's like the universe just doesn't want this tokyo dome show to happen and the bad luck associated with thr new belt continues.


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tana and shingo tore the house down, lmao fuck ibushi

>EVIL next challenger



Hiromu's back and gets an instant title shot against robin eagle

[Last 50 Posts]

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Now I see a lot of people online and in wrestling communities trying to tear down the old Snake with what they consider the "Worst promo of all time" but in reality we the masses have been too dumb to understand the level of kino that Jake was throwing down
>Everyone over the years have attributed the "You wanna play 21? I've got 22" line as being a sign that Jake doesn't know the rules of Blackjack
>In actuality what Mr. Roberts means is that he has a .22 Caliber gun, and that even if his opponent truly has the perfect hand he will not walk away the victor because Jake is vicious and will do anything to win.
>The line "Do you wanna play blackjack? I got two of those too" is then him saying that he has two actual blackjacks, a type of crude club used to bash people
>Finally the line "You wanna play Aces and Eights? I got too many of those" is probably the most kino of them all
>Aces and Eights goes by another name. They are called "Dead Man's Hand" because it is said to be the cards that Wild Bill Hickok, a famous outlaw, was holding when he was shot dead
>Jake is then implying that he has led a trail of men who thought they could best the snake only to wind up dead at his hand over the years.
It's time to face the facts, that even while ballooned off his ass on enough drugs to kill a bull, Jake Roberts could still cut a more cerebral promo than anyone else in the history of the business
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He must have wrote it out with some thought but then got ballooned off his tights.




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It's the same thing that happened with Scott Hall. DDP got him clean, got him in shape, helped fund surgery to fix a lot of his pain, got his finances squared away, and got Hall back into the appearance circuit after he had basically been blackballed due to his behavior. Then Scott started drinking again and everything fell apart.

These guys are fundamentally broken. You can hold their hand and support them and make some progress, but they will always fall back down because something inside of them is just wrong. It really sucks because you can see DDP talking about this shit and getting more and more frustrated and cynical as the years go on. When he started out he honestly believed that deep down everyone wants to be a better person, but they just don't know how to escape from their circumstances. So he gave up his time, money, and home to try and rehab these people believing that they would respond in good faith to his efforts and pick up their own slack once he had set them straight. Almost every single one of them has let him down with the exception of guys like Stevie Richards who was already a pretty decent human being by all backstage accounts, but was just busted up and injured.

You can't fix someone who doesn't want to be fixed, and most people don't really want to be fixed. If they did want to be fixed they would have tried to fix themselves years ago. Part of the reason I stopped trying to encourage people on ogrechan to better themselves. Most of you are human garbage, and are more than content to wallow in your own filth. Occasionally one of you will have a moment of self-awareness and spend a few days crying on here about how unhappy you actually are, but you will always go back to being pieces of shit. You are failures and losers because you choose to be, and no amount of advice or encouragement will change that.


It was all a work brother. DDP is a jew and "helped" the drug addicts only long enough to shill his yoga DVDs brother.



That's because Vince was the guy that held them together with authority rather than hand holding.

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>Daddy Daddy, buy me some new toys Daddy
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Big Brains Strowman is now asking for 90k for appearences with complete control over how the match will be booked.

Meanwhile Buddy Murphy is in the middle of a bidding war with four different promotions making offers for his time so that they can book "dream matches" with their top stars.


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How long until Braun Strowman and Mojo Rawley film a gay porn entitled Future Endeavors?


The shock is that he was over with the fans despite never receiving a sustainable main event push. He did seem to want to be his own brand rather than a mark for the company.
Makes sense. Vince will crush someone if they try to play him for a fool.

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What is weird is how all these bloggers and journos are making out that Bo Dallas was fired. He put out a statement over a month ago saying he was waiting for his contract to expire and then retiring to his farm. He also stated that he and Liv Morgan were getting married and starting a real estate business.


Annual spring cleaning




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Man I just rewatched the Samoa Joe vs. Necrobutcher match from Mid-South in 2005 and it still blows my mind. It isn't even, technically speaking, a deathmatch, but somehow it is more brutal and more hardcore than any match with convoluted spots. Just Samoa Joe beating a man half to death. It is physically painful to watch. That kinda feeling you get when you see something so intentionally destructive to a human body that you can feel your testicals pull up into your body as your body unconsciously reacts in sympathetic pain for the person being beat. Even typing this out I can hear in my head the sickening sound it made very time Joe smashes Necro's head into the concrete. Just a nasty dull wettish sound as he shoot tries to murder a man in front of an audience of people. The way the screams for blood slowly die down as the audience realizes what they are seeing is just icing on the cake.

Pure kino


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Well this post sure didnt age well

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For this week's installment of WDHMBT we will be watching the FMW Hardcore Bible Compilation

Serving as a highlight reel of some of the most excessive spots in FMW's history, the Hardcore Bible is a must watch for any deathmatch/hardcore match fan. While most of the matches themselves are not actually very good they were all chosen for particularly interesting spots. Sadly the collection does not include some of the more infamous matches, such as the Onita/Funk vs Sabu/Sheik no rope burning barb wire match, as the Hardcore Bible was produced specifically to market to the western audience and they didn't not want to present the promotion's biggest fuckups and mistakes that caused people to nearly die or ended careers.

>Lights Out

Mitsuhiro Matsunaga v Mr. Pogo 7/18/95

>Barb Wire Fire Deathmatch

Mitsuhiro Matsunaga v Mr. Pogo 8/29/85

>Carribean Spider Net Glass Crash Deathmatch

Mitsuhiro Matsunaga & Jason the Terrible & Hideki Hosaka v Super Leather & W*ING Kanemura & Hido 12/21/95

>Barb Wire Death Match

Megumi Kudo v Shark Tsuchiya 12/22/95
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As far as actual wrestling goes the Megumi Kudo matches are honestly some of the best that are in this compilation. I highly recommend that you watch her matches with Shark Tsuchiya and Combat Toyoda. Even now, 25 years after she retired, Megumi Kudo remains the undisputed queen of the deathmatch and no one else has even tried to match the sheer insanity that Kudome had.


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Cornette handled sex slaves?


He was basically a pimp that encouraged wrestlers to fuck ring rats so that they'd be back to watch the shows.


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Cornette made wrestlers fuck his fat wife while he watched to get a push. Cena, Orton, Bautista all had to cuck corny to get to the WWE


She must be connected to the cult or something.


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For this week's installment of WDHMBT we will be watching the first instance in the long running series, CZW Zandig's Ultraviolent Tournament Of Death

August 31, 2002 saw the first annual CZW Tournament of Death. The event was billed as Zandig's Ultraviolent Tournament of Death due to a storyline of John Zandig losing ownership of CZW to Lobo, thus promoting his own deathmatch tournament. It was held in Dover, Delaware. Non-tournament matches included Green Phantom & Arsenal defeating The Hardcore Ninjaz and a tag scramble match which saw The Backseat Boyz defeat Derek Frasier & Sonjay Dutt, Jon Dahmer & Towel Boy and The New School, as well as a Three Way Dance in which Ruckus defeated Justice Pain and Nick Berk.

>Tournament Of Death I First Round Barbed Wire Boards Match

Zandig vs. Nate Hatred

>Tournament Of Death I First Round Match

Adam Flash vs. The Messiah

>Tag Team Match

The Arsenal & The Green Phantom vs. The Hardcore Ninjaz (Hardcore Ninja #1 & Hardcore Ninja #2)

>Tournament Of Death I First Round Staple Gun Falls Count Anywhere Match

Wifebeater vs. Necro Butcher
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Next week's theme: Best of compilations

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