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With the Delta variant mutating and spreading and killing people because of these people who are dumber than Patrick Star not getting the vaccine thanks to that idiot Florida Governor Ron DeSantis the COVID cases are spiking and WWE is worrying that they'll end up bringing back the Thunderdome which is way worse or cancelling Summerslam completely hope not because I want Cena kick Roman Reigns's ass as these idiot Anti-Vaxxers are teaching their kids to drink bleach? YUCK! That is gross! Why do these idiots want their kids to be poisoning themselves instead of getting poked? This is because they worshipped a failure of a certain idiot Karen former president Donald Trump as they told them too drink bleach and use turpentine to cure the virus yeah no Turpentine kills people as it causes brain damage, headaches, sleeplessness, coughing, bleeding inside of the lungs, vomiting, kidney damage, coma and worse death. Take a look at Vicks products they have Turpentine Oil in one of their products and they're the reason why their products were banned in Japan carry them and bam off to prison you go.

I'm going to say to these idiot Anti-Vaxxers:



>The Man
I can't get over this absurdity.
By the way, is that pic real?
I hate you all.

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