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 No.137370[Reply][Last 50 Posts]




fuck the jews lol

thread 2
old thread was getting pretty slow to load and up there in the comment count
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Nah, API is common enough to be sold on the US civilian market, at least in .50bmg. There might be ancient 30cal stuff on the secondary market.
(pic is just an example; don't buy from SGA, he's a kike)

[Last 50 Posts]
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There are laws of nature. Sin comes with its own downsides.

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The Supreme Court has unanimously ruled that removing President Trump from the ballot is unlawful election interference.

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Yeah it's all narrative, no facts.

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>nobody cares


That must be Nathaniel's face when nobody gives him attention


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Looks like I have an excuse to post this merchant.


>t. from the JIDF meme vault


What a charming smile. How can you hate that smile?

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 No.142830[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I think it's clear this will be the Summer Election drama as it's just getting started and spreading to more and more campuses. Might be a thread to dump some protest and hopefully future riot kinos.

Lefties, get the fuck out there. You've got a job to do. hehe

How will dup favor? Will he be btfo from all this or will the lefties and jews have their hands too full?
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leftoids are absolutely retarded, jews will swing them back on target soon enough (hating regular ole Whites);
I believe they'll bring dup back from the brink for just that purpose.

>MAGA is attacking muh democracy!

and both sides start their inane bullshit all over again.


Yeah, unless the NPCs actually notice who controls the media they consume the kikes will be able to get them back in line soon enough. Though we might stop seeing so many hooknoses saying, 'as a white person' for a while.


>both sides
>thinks he's not included in the charade



Whining about shit online is basically the new voting so…

[Last 50 Posts]

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Nebraska btfo
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>I think most normgroids would reject them for looking weird though.
I bet if you marketed them as dragonball or goku houses you'd get a ton of attention


It would probably work really well with Mexicans.


I want my hands to do God's work. This is some robot built dome with a special mix concrete that dries within half an hour. They're culturally alien to anything else already in the landscape as well. I would only use them selectively in a train wreck of a brown field industrial sort of a place.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The Teletubbies had the right idea.

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It was a mental desease since forever.


>Homosexuality exists in nature therefore it's legit.
It was a subculture enabled by drugs and elite pedophiles that was brought into the mainstream with the AIDS psyop to create a new victim class that exists today.


I see someone has yet again magicked up a retarded argument out of nothing to derail the thread.


I see you magicked up those trips


If Scouts are co-opted then form Marksman's Clubs with similar activities. Refuse to change the name. Prerequisite is everybody learns guns. Public gets used to "Ohh he's in Junior Marksmans" etc.

Tell the co-opted groups to fuck off.

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The defense minister is expected to officially present reforms to the draft system in early June

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Even if Germany wanted to it's practically impossible. There's no equipment/uniforms available or infrastructure set up to receive such an influx of new personnel. Military surplus community acts like OSINT on these matters knowing about contracts for or even slight changes to uniforms, if an order for tens of thousands of uniforms was made they'd know about it and prices would reflect that. Flecktarn is a very popular pattern and their uniforms are typical German quality.

>Goodluck drafting Ahmed.
That's the idea in France where they're a tiny bit more realistic and practical about these things. They've got a mandatory youth civic service program that's there to make implementing a draft much easier for trouble groups in the near future. It's supposed to start becoming mandatory in some regions later this year.


Link isn't working. I guess rt links are like "do this one thing woke ISPs HATE it". Would've liked to read the scare mongering after all…

The only way to press gang and instill fighting ability in the sick, the unruly, and the intentional imbeciles with the drills and regimentalism necessary to fight a war would be to hand out summary executions for beligerence. And even if the military had enough psychopaths to do that sort of work, how do you know if mutiny wouldn't ripple even more loudly through the service?

Would you envy a press gang's position then? Even if being paid 50k + perks? Even if you managed to fill your cattle trucks full of young men, where would you take them? How else would you intend to motivate them?

Even in Germany you haven't the means nor the time to get there.


In what shithole country are you that RT links are blocked by your ISP?


Related, EU shifts toward 'war economy' - official



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ZOG shifts to more ZOG

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 No.141869[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

You lads ready for the draft?
Your banker country needs you in these turbulent times!
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>dying for this (((guy)))


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>This isn't my war, is it? Why would I get involved in some centuries long tribal blood feud a million miles away from my home?


>Boomer Jew hippie


Damn, I've never seen such an insulting portrayal of Marco from Metal Slug before.


Be grateful goyim that the useless trained monkey managed to live one more day.

His nemesis was a Nazi Demoman.

[Last 50 Posts]

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67 year old pedophile attempts to meet 2 under age girls
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are you serious? Zogbots protects the pedophiles and americas enemies…the blm and antifa riots were state sanctioned.. you're fucking retarded clown


It's like everyone forgot about the Epstein/Maxwell incident, nobody cares to find out where that thread leads, and we're back to playing the Chris Hansen gotcha game with nobodies trying to hook up with 15-year-olds.


Powerful jews wanted the issue dropped, so everyone dropped it. The organizations that should report, investigate or prosecute it are bought and paid for by the people on Epstein's client list.


>Following the release of court documents that included the names of former associates, employees, friends and victims of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, social media users put pressure on the FBI to release information relating to evidence in the case that reportedly went "missing."

>In 2019, FBI agents testified during Maxwell's trial that following a raid on Epstein's townhouse in New York City, some evidence "went missing."

>FBI Special Agent Kelly Maguire testified in 2019 that during the raid of Epstein's residence, FBI agents found a safe with CDs, computer hard drives, money, jewelry and passports. During her testimony, Maguire said that FBI agents did not have a valid warrant to remove the evidence, so instead, they photographed them.

>"Reminder that the FBI confiscated the Epstein tapes and has never returned them," conservative commentator and senior editor at Human Events, Jack Posobiec wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

>"Three days after his death, the FBI raided Epstein's private island and confiscated secretly recorded tapes supposedly of high profile clients and underage children. These tapes have never surfaced," X user Juanita Broaddrick wrote, questioning FBI Director Christopher Wray.

>X user End Wokeness wrote: "On July 6, 2019 the FBI raided the Jeffrey Epstein townhouse in NYC. Agents found a safe filled with CDs, hard-drives, passports, and more. They found binders of CDs with explicit photos of his underage victims and presumably his clients too. We have not heard about them since."

>Similarly, conservative radio host Buck Sexton wrote: "Epstein was running a blackmail operation based on surreptitious video, as evidenced from the extensive surveillance set ups in his various mansions. So where are the blackmail tapes/files? Ask the FBI about the ones they 'lost' in Manhattan."

>A few days later, when they returned to obtain the evidence, it was gone, The Telegraph reported.

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>Diddy is the nigger version of Epstein
It kinda makes sense. Imagine if you're Snoop, Cube, Diddy, Suge, or Master P. You sell your own people to kike merchants and history repeats itself again.

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