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File: 1710117457203.jpg (183.83 KB, 1124x711, 1124:711, edit__mario_day_wallpaper_….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb




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Nintendo and Illumination have officially announced that a sequel to The Super Mario Bros. Movie is in the works.


Oh man I can't wait for the next Mario game where we have to defeat Bowser. Again. For the 100th time.


>he plays Mario games for the plot


this might be official news but it's been known since the original was announced that they were already working on the sequel
I unironically did for Paper Mario, but Miyamoto got pissy and shut it down


They're probably making a new Mario RPG, since they remade the original, and the remaster of The Thousand-Year Door is coming out soon.


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They did replace Bowser with a toad and an alien during the early years of the franchise, at least they threw in some variety unlike in NSMB.


In addition to the Super Mario Land series, all of the Mario RPGs had antagonists other than Bowser.

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