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Displaying 5 expired threads from the past 3 days
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340330 Why did they pick Pikachu, out of all 151 or the original Pokemon, to be the mascot of their franchise? At first I thought it was because of the cute design, but Pikachu wasn't that cutesy in the original game. They chose to make him cuter so he could be the mascot. But why Pikachu? Why not any of the starters, or even something like Growleth or Eevee? Eevee would actually be a perfect mascot sinc[View]0
340182WFC: The Man Who Laughs (2012) & The Passenger (1975) >Inspired by the novel by Victor Hugo, the story of a young nineteenth century scarred by a scar, which makes a discovery that is destined to change all his life.[View]0
339720 ==The Bluray version ruined the CGi==[View]0
338632Joker 2 How bad is this going to be?[View]0