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/wooo/ - Pro Wrestling

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File: 1590282984532.png (204.38 KB, 464x498, 232:249, 12eb3b233523fe64766d98fb5a….png) ImgOps iqdb


What is this bullshit? How come smug has a /wooo/ bunker as well, and how come its rulecucked to hell, eliminating all outlets of fun?


Because all the NJPW anons went there


I basically only delete porn stuff, anything else is fine.


Hey, BO from smug/wooo/ here, I regret to inform you that I don't want your kind in my board, and, like the meidos above me, I will ban anyone who doesn't use proper grammar and citations adhering to the MLA format.


BO from this /wooo/
I don't ban that's retarded




I mean thanks for bumping the threads man, but this shit isn't ban worthy or whatever

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