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Is Sumo a shoot or a work, or a working shoot? Or a work that can turn into a shoot?


Sumo is sometimes a shoot that is sometimes a work but sometimes they work a work until they work themselves into a shoot.


The matches are works but the poisoning each other back stage is a shoot.


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I saw one sumo match which looked like a classic work. It was a japanese vs some gaijin. The jap charged the gaijin but it was a false start so the gaijin ismply pushed him back, rather disrespectfully. Then they took a break, threw salt but the jap took a two handfuls and tossed it all in the ring. Quite a sight, the whole thing got the crowd really charged up. Then the match actually began with the crowd fully behind the japanese guy but it looked like the gaijin had the upper hand and was winning. But somehow in the end, in a great comeback, the jap defeated the gaijin and the crowd popped like crazy. Great match, at 7:56 in embed related


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Or, and hear me out on this, Tochinoshin has a completely fucked body and even the heroic quantities of steroids he takes is barely keeping his body together. He doesn't need to take a dive because he has been shit for years.

Normal works in sumo are like this. Some oezeki is looking at demotion because of his record so his sablemates take a dive to keep him salaries. Other times it is getting approached by a head of a stable offering to give the sumo the prize money if they will take the dive to save their salaried wrestler.

Chris Sumo translates some of the peripheral content of the sumo world including the Takatoriki show. Takatoriki was a sumo who was fired for being involved in gambling. He now runs a podcast where he airs the dirty laundry of the Sumo association and serves as a sort of reporter/commentator for sumo who wish to leak news within the sport anonymously. Here is a show from a few months back when Takatoriki had an entire show detailing the various parts of Sumo that are dirty.


Thanks never really kept up with them really , I always thought the matches were 100% shoots. Cool how it's kept under wraps more or at least tried to keep under wraps more than anything stateside.


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You should sub to Chris Sumo. He puts out one to three 5-15 minute videos a day. He does recaps but, for the most part, sumo is 99% waiting and 1% action. You really don't need to see the countless ceremonies more than once unless you are interested in a specific wrestler performing them. Also it cuts out a LOT of the actual waiting for people to move in and out of the dohyo and the endless false starts and mind games. If there is something interesting that occurs prior or post match he will cover it. Recaps are just the actual action without all the wait.
When there is a Basho he recaps the upper ranks. When it is an off month he does a bunch of really diverse content. He does deep dives of a lower rank wrestler's career, discusses famous stable and interesting bits of history. He has contacts within the sumo asscociation and many stables, which he uses to get the inside scoop from anonymous sources and to host full interviews with sumo themselves. He has even done a Rakugo performance of one of the most famous sumo rakugo stories.

Also, despite taking a while, he is finally learning how to use his editing software properly and put his 4k camera to good use.

Also also, if you are just getting into Sumo I highly recommend you go watch basically everything you can about Chiyonofuji. Exciting matches, absolutely DIMES look, a walking Charismabomb, half the size of the biggest guy he wrestled in his career, the strongest wrestler in sumo during his day, dude was based as fuck, and basically everybody loves him. He is a great place to start because there are going to be times when you are going to absolutely hate sumo because everyone good is injured and all the shitters are using the chance to sell themselves like whores to whomever is looking to fix a match and you will really wonder why the fuck you ever got interested in this shady as fuck OG pro-wrestling bullshit.


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Tochinoshin is actually a really interesting wrestler and not simply due to a gaijin bias. The dude was a Georgian powerlifter born in Soviet Georgia and trained in the cold war style. He was part of a "Golden Generation" of Georgian powerlifters who were recruited to Sumo. They all did better than the average sumo but the only one to display talent enough to make a name for himself was Toshinoshin. His rookie year he was amazing. Like he dominated so hard early in his career that they was even talk about if he could potentially become a yokozuna one day. Eventually the stress and damage he built up going from powerlifting to sumo started to show its effect on his body. Dude has been slowly breaking down for years. Video attached was the last time he was genuinely looking good again, and that was when he took off all the breaks and went full gear mode. Unfortunately the damage his body has sustain to this point is so much that even gear can't fill the cracks. There is one younger Georgian who is the last of the Golden Generation still wrestling. His name escapes me at the moment but he has been putting up a good showing lately and has far less damage to his body than Tochinoshin does, so he may be able to carry the banner when Tochinoshin does eventually retire.


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Hibikiryu died from that bump he took on March 26th.


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The Sumo association has scrubbed all video of the accident so this is as good a quality as you are going to get.


They work themselves into shoots all the time, they get fat as a work but it's real fatness so it's a shoot


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Chris Sumo released a pair of videos about the 13 throws and 7 basic techniques if you are curious about the movez of Sumo.


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A guide to sumo's 19 twisting techniques


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Sumo's TRIPPING techniques explained


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A guide to sumo's SPECIAL techniques


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A guide to sumo's backdrops

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