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File: 1637289644053.jpg (1.07 MB, 3106x4096, 1553:2048, IMG_20211118_201011.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb



enamored with this image… cute spherical bubbly , smooth, polished face…. and the whole proportions too..
i want to keep this form shape whatever and turn it to different angles somehow
basically redrawing like this in exact way

how do i do that?
it's so rounddddd.


learn how to draw curves
try tracing it
the drawing looks pretty rushed, prob from the artist being able to draw pikachu so much, so best practice drawing the regular pikachu and work on adding your own brand of style to it


Don't draw pikachu you fucking sped, what are you, five?


>>2163 rushed? what you mean? what curve? never seen any curve in my life that can do this
>>2164 shut it nig


looks like we have a chris chan 2.0 in the making
no matter what isabella tells uou, don't fuck your mom op


the hell dud


like drawn quickly. the scribbling implies it was rushed or hastely drawn


>>2172 oh you mean the pic

the main reference is supposed to be the link..


File: 1637482361604.png (17.71 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png) ImgOps iqdb

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