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File: 1637392852764.jpg (2.24 MB, 3106x4096, 1553:2048, IMG_20211120_141600.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


…is there a method in art to transfer/trace an existing material like this pikachoos here and its soft, smooth curves and all its shape so i can, regularly replicate the subject into another pose and angles? as you can see on the top left view my attempt to copy it hasnt been succesful…

basically capturing its overall curves….


just kill yourself and spare us your shitty threads


Shut the fuck up, nigger. Let the OP practice.


>>2176 u 1st
>>2177 what to practice


he doesn't want to practice, he's been making this sort of shitty threads for over a month now. He makes a thread, it gets no replies, he makes another. It's about shitting up the place, he's done it in several boards.


File: 1637482617213.png (14.03 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png) ImgOps iqdb


Its people like you that chase off the good anons and the boards continue to rot on multiple sites.


>autistic faggot who constantly makes variations of the same thread
>good anon
Pick one


>>2179 lol u got nothing good to say as usual

>>2182 yawn
>>2185 tru
>>2186 what a smol world it is for you lmao

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