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/bane/ - Big Guys (4U)

Crashing this plane with no survivors
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why is this board dead? There's so much to talk about!


Most initiated are still on the 8Kun board


we need a big plan to crash it. But who will be expected in the wreckage?


bumping with fresh mire
> be me
> swimming nearly every day now for some reason
> health best it's been for 5+ years
> get out of pool and walk past a pair of girls talking next to the pool
> catch one taking a good look as I pass
> she doesn't throw up


> be me
> be stout
> be so stout even
> providence is pleased with it


>2days without posts


Is tenet /bane/worthy?


>tfw prussia is dead forever and germany is nothing but a zombie nation


>prussia lives on forever in our hearts (stoutly)

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