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File: 1614011390354.jpg (1.51 MB, 1422x2159, 1422:2159, mobydicktonymillionairecov….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


How am I supposed to get passed the opening chapters where he shares a bed with a nigger


Don't. His other book was faggoty so he probably fucks the nigger in this one


Until very recently in history, most people had to share beds on ships and at hotels unless they were rich enough to afford their own private room. It wasn't seen as sexual back then unless it was just one man and one woman sharing a bed. Especially in the 19th century when even sitting in your bro's lap or holding his hand wasn't seen as gay. It was a better time.


So you're saying the nigger wasn't given a pile of hay in storage locker or somewhere


No. If you put a nigger on a pile of hay he might start eating it.


He never relaxes though. He spends an entire chapter describing his fear of the nigger. I got bored about halfway through the book, and I was reading it on the clock at work. I wouldn't suggest this garbage, there is much better literature available like Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.


Flip the page, booklet.

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