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File: 1618621518244.gif (1.04 MB, 344x289, 344:289, 1618481490018.gif) ImgOps iqdb


im afraid the story i want to run to sell will be a massive flop… what do i do?

i ll still run it anyway


File: 1618627433588.png (291.38 KB, 595x418, 595:418, jane lane 3.PNG) ImgOps iqdb

try accepting the possibility of failure, but not dwelling on it or denigrating yourself or your work prematurely

in fact it would seem that it should be a very small part as to whether or not you yourself 'like' or 'dislke' your work in general, unless you're writing for yourself alone
satisfaction i would say is a different matter though, a different sort of feeling altogether


>>1455 of course i accepted that it is possible to fail
"no matter what"

thus i asks how not to… is it not?



this place is so dead compared to the ONe chan


If you want it to be successful, or at least make money you need to find a way to frame and present the story you want to tell that also appeals to an audience, and at the same time you need to stand out from the mass of books being published/available today.


Run it. Every time I submit a story I convince myself I'm collecting sweet sweet rejection letters so that when the rejection letter comes I just laugh about it. It's really not a big deal if you strike out with a publisher; once you get the rejection letter you should be able to identify more flaws in the story for future revisions to try again with other publishers. You'll probably eventually reach a point where the story is good enough for some tiny indie publisher that won't pay you but will take your story and by the time you get to that point you'll just be glad that somebody thought it was readable.

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