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i have ending defined and im so creeped out by the idea that the writing will suck logicLly and completely throw me off and everyone else
what do i do

i have plot points defined but the texts…dialogue and things happening inbetween that will lead to those plot points "logically"… i cant seem to solve them by just simple Q and A? i just dont know how to simplify it lol


Write out the premise here and I'll do it for you, for 80% rights


the goal is so that i can write isnt it


>>1771 kimochi warui


I'd suggest that if you have an ending, begin a diagram or a bullet point outline for a plot structure on how best to get there. Just start filling it in wherever you feel you have a weak point once you have the major plot points outlined.


Look up the snowflake method. It amounts to writing a novel by starting with an outline and then just filling in more and more points til you've basically got your rough draft.


I always start by writing down particular scenes I think up and then attempt to cobble these disjointed scenes into a semi-coherent whole as I go on.
I end up with several lengthy, nearly finished scenes and a lot of blanks I need to fill out as well. That way I have a lot of room to add new scenes and even change the order of some of the scenes.

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