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/lit/ - Literature and Writing

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File: 1641569694962.jpg (610.45 KB, 1313x1040, 101:80, IMG_20220107_191649.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


if you have to have like, do a literature that will win million readers and sales, how would you do it? how much materials and in what way will you attract all those potential readers…?


Draw a space marine.


File: 1642431943509-0.png (170.63 KB, 728x450, 364:225, Breaking.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1642431943509-1.jpg (106.46 KB, 795x1192, 795:1192, big money louis.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

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Write gay inerracial pornography. There's a huge market for that in the domestic market.


File: 1642478366269.png (285.5 KB, 736x900, 184:225, southernpepe.png) ImgOps iqdb

Should it be a period piece (i.e. set in the good ol' days on a plantation in the Deep South), or a modern-day urban thriller about a buck breaker who assaults random black men in semi-public settings? Perhaps a blend of erotica and a crime thriller?

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