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At what point does it stop being a block and end up defining who you are? What if I'm no longer a writer, and just a guy…


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when you're unblocked and doing any writing feels like homework, so you don't do it. That's when it's over.


Have you tried starting a new story or continuing a story you have abandoned? A change of characters and setting might help - if you force yourself to write on a story it will probably end up being suboptimal.
Maybe a different story, new characters, new settings, new themes and a new style is what you need. Trying on new writing styles and settings might be the solution to getting over this block.

Full disclosure though - I have a ton of unfinished stories I switch between and hardly any finished ones.


What do you usually write about?


The second novel blues is almost unavoidable. Writers block is usually something that gets better on its own except for when it doesn't. Write several books and then safe deposit them for when you absolutely have to publish something to satisfy the publishers. That way when they come knocking for that yearly release and you cant write you can release the new book and still get paid.


Horror erotica.




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It's shameful, but eh, it's a living…


That was painful to read

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