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/lit/ - Literature and Writing

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File: 1592374733839.png (3.51 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png) ImgOps iqdb


Where did 8ch/lit/ go?


I don't know. I never browsed it. This is my first time browsing a not-4chan /lit/. Did genuinely enjoy the energy of /hgg/ on 8ch.


go back to cuckchan and kill yourself, faggot


Too busy reading. No time to shift through anonymous posts when only the manga thread is getting posts. It's like going on /mu/ and finding rap and kpop. 4chan's /lit/ is good enough for me.


>responds to a two month old post, just to let everyone know he's better than them
Good job there, champ.


>4cuck's /lit/ is good enough for me
go back and stay there, faggot


Yeah, got 'em! Good job, anon, you btfo'd that faggot


Hi op, it's 8kun now, /lit/ is still there but p slow


fuck off Ron


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I hope your life has been going well since writing this, anon. Since posting what you responded to, I have recently married, finished school, and are now comfortably seated in a career in which I have been able to help repair the years of poverty my family has been relegated to. I am woefully obliged to inform you that I did not read this response in a particularly timely manner, as I have now gotten around to writing this thoughtful and carefully written post. I did not return to 4chan, as I have been too beset by the toils of everyday life. I hope your time has been well spent and you too, have reached goals you had thought impossible, and that you too, have found love in your life. I wonder if I heeded your advice when it was posted- I would be dead, not needing me to respond to this post. I wanted to post in order to disabuse you of the thought, now having it been near half a year now, that I took your advice.


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Post your ring faggot


I take back the faggot statement that was rude.

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