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How to check literaturely if your story doesnt make sense

Are you just correct by default


That's not a word, Yakuza.


>>3680 make it so


You've got to stop overthinking the writing process. In the end, you have to go by intuition. Reading and watching a lot of good works of fiction will help you pick up on what works and what doesn't. And don't be afraid to make major rewrites if you feel it's necessary.


What to read then


Charles Dickens is a good one to start with. He's a very well-rounded writer and his books are usually pretty accessible. A Tale of Two Cities, Bleak House, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, and Great Expectations are his most popular novels but you can't go wrong with any of them.


Those are alright. But my genre is themathically different from those… i find it hard to use em


Just read popular works in the genre you want to write in I guess. I don't read much genre fiction (not because I think I'm too good for it or anything; I just haven't gotten around to it) so I don't know what to recommend.


>>3688 hm… what are things with alot of actions, epic fights or so

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