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recommend me some of those books that smart people read. I want to be able to say things about smart subjects, and pretend I know what i'm talking about.


(A Rebours)


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I got that one recently, along with Charles Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du mal.
Against the grain by Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848-1907): https://archive.org/details/againstgrain00huy/page/n17/mode/2up


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>french books
bruh, I'm not that smart


>I'm not that smart
Read communist literature without bothering with any precursors.


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What about Prussian books?


There are plenty of real 'murican books that are touted as high brow by every school teacher and besserwisser: Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ernest Hemingway, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, J. D. Salinger.
If you are really lazy just look at the list of authors awarded the Nobel Price in Literature.


Was looking more for books about things, not fiction. Is there a book that actually effectively explains economics, free of any particular ideology?


>i want/need a thing
>thing is other, need to get thing
>expend x to gain thing, maybe
>else other has thing and no want fight or am lazy and no want produce thing
>give different thing to get thing but then other other want thing but also i pretend thing have value and also no value but value also me getting thing is value and making thing is value and value is no value but value also niggers
>other other upset that i got thing and he no
>continue to make shit up until you understand economics, just like everybody else
I have saved you several years paying for bullshit.


Oh, also, the most important part, learn to get really upset about other people taking part in making up bullshit, regardless of whether they agree or disagree with your bullshit.


What if I wanted to "read history"? Is there like a 200 page book that'll fill me in?


200 pages!? Why inconvenience yourself?
All you gotta know is that absolutely NOBODY can, without a shadow of a doubt, tell you about our origin story, without making somebody else upset.
I mean you've got Africa, India, Europe, Antarctica, shifting tectonics, ALIENS, jews, ???, the moon, goopy poop, and 'whatever current subsuperpower wants to be world superpower at the moment that all of a sudden found a whole bunch of stuff that indicates they're the first and best'. That's a lot! Thankfully though, 'subsuperpower that wants to be superpower' has been shown to be the most likely in this age, so, for now, it's settled science!
As for the rest of it? It doesn't matter anyway thanks to postmodernism I mean nihilism. Make it up! We've been doing it for, at bare minimumm (depending on how you define 'rewriting'), a little over a century now, because SOMEBODY didn't get the joke originally, and has been throwing a hissy fit ever since.
Of course, maybe you want to fit in with your peers, in which case, just talk about your favorite music, or what useless things you bought recently instead! Nobody, and I mean nobody, wants to hear 'smart talk', it's boring and my attention span only lasts a few seconds before I need to talk about something I saw on social media so I can feel empowered and comfortable!

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