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File: 1619392636972.png (2.78 KB, 172x43, 4:1, allmusic.png) ImgOps iqdb


Why is Allmusic mentioned on every single music article on Wikipedia? Do they have a partnership or something?
>using wikipedia
I know, but it's the quickest way to find out which musician played which solo on certain albums.


>I know, but it's the quickest way to find out which musician played which solo on certain albums.
ever heard of discogs?


Wikipedia's more convenient.


File: 1619569739620.png (14.3 KB, 1135x292, 1135:292, cuckipedia.png) ImgOps iqdb

that'd be true if wikipedia had entries which they usually don't if you listen to something more obscure than Nickelback


Pretty easy to use it as a citation.
Discogs works too but the editors don't use it.


die you dumb nigger piece of shit! fuck off and stop posting your turd fetish


Wikipedia often has some templates for easy linking to databases, see IMDb.


File: 1635280514859.png (2.11 MB, 1204x1321, 1204:1321, 1623345190021-0.png) ImgOps iqdb

recommend me some george floydcore


Any mumble rap

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