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I really like power pop (more so the music from the 70's and early 80's that was retroactively called power pop than the jangle pop and college rock of the late 80's or the gay self-conscious power pop of the 90's onwards) but I feel like a faggot when I tell people that because a)the genre has an image of being made by scrawny incels for scrawny incels and b)the name "power pop" itself is incredibly gay. Are there any types of music you have this problem with?


File: 1636051897942.webm (8.79 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Dancing Fantasy - Seasons.webm) ImgOps iqdb

I really like peaceful ambient music and atmospheric New Age music, but I'm in the closet about it because New Age music has a really bad reputation.

I also like old songs from the early 20th century and even before. I'd feel like a complete autist trying to explain to people how I like hissy old music that their grandparents would probably consider passe. It's even worse for some things. The fact that I find Nazi propaganda music enjoyable would probably make me a complete social pariah if people found out.

And video game music still doesn't seem to be socially acceptable to admit you like, although it's getting closer.

Really, I don't even know I'd be comfortable discussing most of the music I like with normalfags. Even liking standard rock music is on its way to becoming a niche thing. How could I even mention liking something like bagpipe tunes or Yugoslav war songs or throat singing without coming across like a spaz?


who cares about what you like? if it sounds good to you, that's all that matters. it's good to find a lot of different music enjoyable.


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True. I don't really have "guilty pleasures," but there's also no way to really talk about music with people IRL when most people don't share your taste or would write you off.

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