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File: 1640099869623.png (870.25 KB, 900x600, 3:2, N6ZOLCUG6BGCPDLN6SWR5C52KA.png) ImgOps iqdb


Is Jaco Pastorius overrated musically? He was definitely a virtuoso but I could never see the appeal of his music.


Virtuosos are usually self-indulgent wankers anyway.


Why do people pretend to like fretless bass? Fretless bass, more like sounds like ass. There's a small handful of examples where fretless bass improved something rather than ruin it, and it's never Pastorius style wankery even if he pioneered the instrument. It's usually slow mellow 80s stuff where it replaces a synthesizer.




If you're not just shitposting then you're lucky to not know


He looks like a liberal faggot


fretless basses are cool; they have no fret buzz.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>He was definitely a virtuoso but I could never see the appeal of his music
that's the appeal; he's a virtuoso. Besides that, Weather Report is dope.

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