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I wish more posters where here.
What music based communication websites are there that are more active?


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>I wish more posters where here.
Cuck/mu/ is full of kpop coomers, zoomie discord drama and trannies basically tvch but more widespread
This shithole needs to be salted of its dramafagottry and Fantano garroted for making music discussion even shittier and irony-laden than it was before


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>even viewing coontunes as music at all, let alone recommending any

wew laddy


/mu/ was always garbage. It's full of bottom-feeding window lickers who unironically like current-year pop, but ten years ago it was insufferable hipsters jacking themselves off and posting the same "funny" Neutral Milk Hotel jokes over and over. I got a lot of music from sharethreads though.


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cuck/mu/ is godawful, I miss full/mu/ dearly though.


8ch /mu/ and /metal/ were shockingly decent, where did the users go to after they died?


I have no idea
webring /mu/ is fucking dead so I guess they either fucked off to 4chan, use some Discord or simply stopped using /mu/.
Alogs /mu/ used to have some activity when 8quck became a thing, but died right after Robi and HangingFlesh fucked it all up with drama.


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>use some Discord or simply stopped using /mu/.
/mu/cord infected imageboards with fag tier zoomie drama that every other non-reddit music server.
/mu/ was always a festering, self-loathing shithole, but its biggest sin is anons being unable to develop their own taste in music without jerking off tier charts or some namefag with leeway on the board.


I use last.fm kinda.


the full/mu/ album streams were god-tier


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Full/mu/ wasn't like that at all


I'm referring to cuck/mu/
I think the main problem is ultimately music discussion being one of those topics easy enough to attract 90iq shitposters that just spend entire threads shitposting endlessly or baiting for clout.

This is what /mu/ and basically any board that's even closely related to /tv/ is, they enjoy high pph boards and are usually adverse to leaving because they know they'll bleed users that want to shit things up for fun.

As far as /ost/ goes, it needs to detach from /tv/ like /metal/ did with /mu/ back on fullchan; /metal/ was basically /mu/ but with less shitposters and more discussion on music, fanzines and gear because everyone hated cuck/mu/ being a den full of shitlib instigators


Discogs is good. It has forums to discuss music.


It's weird to think some psycho remembers full/mu/ as a safe space for him and his buddy to jerk off over riffs.
Weird… and also sad.


Negro "music" isn't music.


Trying to find a place for musicfags that isn't irony poisoned or tainted with identity politics and leftism is an impossible chore at this point when the people drawn to that are usually theatre kids or trust fund money laundering assets.


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>identity politics
Don't talk like a boomer Republican.


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How about, this fucking board right here?


tvch is the same breed of irony afflicted crossposters from cuckchan, don't kid yourself about this. It's usually either discord zoomie drama or cancer from twitter brained retards that use cuckchan blue boards as their upboat repository.


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Yet, here you are


From my personal experience, any community exclusively about music discussion ends being shit.
More than films, books or games, music is a topic best discussed with close friends rather than randoms online, just look at /mu/ or any other places about music on the internet, it attracts pretentious faggots more than any other form of media.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Nah, it only becomes an issue when you start purity and hipster spiraling to see who's the best no life faggot until no one but nothing but the "enlightened" faggots who think shit like Death Grips is the peak of music remain.


The shitty pseud critic part of music culture is what makes it gay aong with the money laundering and child trafficking involved.


Death Grips is mainstream garbage.


Unironically this.


I think it because there's so little effort involved in actually "getting good" at music listening. It takes like an hour to listen to most albums, and you can do it while browsing Twitter. It's like the easiest way to LARP as being cultured.


Yeah musicfags become pseuds with a bougie cultural bias more frequently than readers or film consumers. I like listening to music more than films but Jesus Christ, the audience is more rabid and entitled than /tv/fags because they're normie hobbies that overlap with twitter.


you can try slsk rooms for non-pozzed discussions of music. extreme irony tho.
you're a di6 fan? you might like this: https://4headedgenitalia.bandcamp.com


shilling once again this shit, paypiggie?


well shit if you like di6 then you'd prolly like my shit. and who you callin paypiggy?

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