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I'm mostly an 80s fan but there's a few modern artists I really enjoy that keep putting out good music instead of the forced garbage that most do, usually with rappers and music that couldn't catch on if the media didn't shill it 24/7. Very few artists today release hits comparable to the torrent of hits that the 80s were, but I'm sure those few will be remembered by nostalgics 40 years for now.
For me, those artists today are Dua Lipa, Ava Max and Lennon Stella.


I doubt there is any. It's pretty much memewave or nothing, and even that usually lacks the songwriting chops of '80s pop.


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It's all shit if by mainstream you mean the stuff on radio or w/e. Most of it is straight up bad music as well as being degenerate too. It's like 90% coon tunes nowadays and the remaining 10% are vapid whores which can be good but most arent.


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These are the closest I can get to "mainstream" without vomiting tbh.


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Is "Enter Shikari" mainstream
All i remember is they used to be some sort of not serious funny band and now they feel, weird






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Great thread, have some Doja Cat.


None, pop music wasn't even listenable before.


>pop music wasn't even listenable before
If you have severe autism, maybe.


It really depends how you define "pop", it's not the most coherent of genres especially when you factor in vintage music


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naw just calling a spade a spade. I'd say the contrary is more true, that being a severely autistic is a prerequisite for being a "poptimist."
>pic related


I think you're confusing pop for rap.


"Poptimists" hardly listen to pop from before the current year.


hardly yes, but ultimately they have listened to old pop shit. Because of vaporwave, they listen to shit 80s music that Macintosh Plus sampled; because of PC music and/or "bubblegum bass," they listen to corny shit from the 90s/00s.


'80s pop wasn't shit at all.


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There was a lot of garbage. The vast majority of 80s hit songs weren't the cool synthwave people associate with the era at all. Actual 80s pop sounded like this.
I personally really dislike it, with its overly simplistic structure and insincere upbeat attitude.


true for (c)rap too


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<Get me Emma Roberts but taller, even hotter and with an exotic Middle Eastern touch


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>hating on Kenny Loggins based on one song


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More Loggins kino, this time from Over the Top instead of Top Gun


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'80s pop > memewave


Both are awful illusions manufactured by media. Take their makeup and the favorable lighting away and they lose most of their appeal. Specially Dua Lipa, she's Kardashian tier. I sometimes wonder if she's the voice behind the songs but the live performances suggest she is.


I don't like either honestly


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Dua Lipa looks nice with dark hair but as a bottle blonde she's absolutely horrible. Too swarthy to pull it off.
They make her do all these sexy faces but it only makes her look even more gross.
Shame because the music rocks.


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She's a damn dream with her natural hair


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Tattoo crap aside this dreaminess is super 8 tape on "Paris, Texas" tier


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Not quite mainstream but well worth a listen, production is insane:


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Holy fuck this is all cancer, do you niggers get paid to listen to that shit?


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>mocking other people's taste while shilling nu-gorillaz


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That particular NuGorillaz song is better than everything here.
Though when NuGorilazz is bad they're worse than half the shit here.

Negress screeching into mic tier


>and then you'd leave



gorillaz has always been gay



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