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I hope it's in the director cut…


The movie is coming out tomorrow. I can assure you it was too late to edit that scene out.


Hey guys its Yakuzapedo here, I love BBC!


It's already leaked. The scene from the first trailer is removed.


It was probably Ridley Scott's only contribution to the film.


Was it good.


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Will watch for shes…when the 1GB YIFY rip drops.


That's big if true.


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The scene is still in the movie (it's a facehugger being pulled off the asian girl). It's most similar to Aliens but borrows from the whole franchise. Not scary but good action/tense scenes and very well directed. Lots of shots of Cailee's big ass and Moner being sweaty. Best of all Ridley said fuck your reboot, Prometheus/Covenant are explicitly canon and required viewing to fully understand and appreciate Romulus

It's kino.


she has sith lord eyes



Why, because they're brown?


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Letting pajeets into hollywood via VFX studios based in Shitndia was a mistake. These street shitters are so untalented it's almost impressive!


She needs to get knocked up by a white man. She is too brown to go out in public but her white child could.


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Many such cases!


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Brown belly; white cum.


You will never get a gf. You are brown and short lol!


You're a pedophile just like all your friends, Essayfag.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Normalfags are getting really butthurt when anyone calls Alien Zoomulus of "mid" or shitty.


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coons pretending to not be incels


I personally find it funny when fags like you and Koi get pissed off when they find out that some anons have jobs and social lives.


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I'll bet money that every one of the Moliberry troons here is a legit basement dwelling virgin.
Anons can have jobs and social lives. I myself own assets. Maybe 5 prison gay homosexuals on tvch do not constitute anons as such. You're just a gay nigger cult, literally.


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So how was it? Or is everyone waiting for a rip?


waiting on the torrent, ol' boy.


Where are her tits?



Your cp and blacked folder is not an asset. I bet you use your mom's money on Discord nitro.


The shit is Discord nitro?


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>Looks great for 80mil, elaborate real sets
>Plenty of alien/facehugger screentime
>Surprisingly good cast with mix of UK/US actors like the original Alien
>Prometheus/Covenant explicitly canon, David trilogy back on the cards
>Cailee's fat ass in tiny shorts

It's kino, easily the best after Alien/Aliens.


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you guys found any good rips yet?


Its probably shit, thanks for the racist rumia though anon.


you faggots haven't found a good rip yet?


No one here is interested in watching this slop.


The worst things in the film were forced by Ridley Scott.



Im watching this. It blows. I think the only reason why they made this was to have a big brand movie with non whites in it and one stupidass little white whore leading them. Cailee Spaeny. What a faggot ass name.


I finished it. It was actually pretty good. The plot was well executed so I forgot about the nonwhites.

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