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The Bluray version ruined the CGi


9/11 in a couple months


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The Arabs changed the New York skyline but every other post is about da joos


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Reminder /pol/tards still insist there was a plane and call themselves "redpilled" in the same breath.


You are right.

Hapa here, it was Godzilla BBC that brought down the towers. /Pol/tards are idiots and I want to see all white people dead. I'm a hapa btw. Very proud about that.


tf are you even talking about? Do you even consciously perceive the nonsense you write? Why does everything always have to be about black penises with you people?


Americans have no choice but to worship the ebony obelisk at all times. It is a genetic level thing for them. A consequence to being as mixed race as they are.

George Washington crossed the Delware to cruise for BBC.


But anon muh "bbc" isn't real its actually tiny black pecker.


This. It was obviously a hologram.


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Are you an autistic trannypol user or what?


No you fucking retard


>A consequence to being as mixed race as they are.
Actual-Americans aren't mongrels.


You definitely have a not-white, redditor aura.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
And they believe in age of consent, those fucking rightwing essjaydoublejews.


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>What? You don't play WoW? Must be an Alliance player
You need to get your radar checked because a redditor would never call out /pol/tards for thinking there was an actual plane. The closest to a conspiracy libtards will admit is "Bush let it happen" Michael Moore shit.


Muh holobunga


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This is what really happened.


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>da joooooos


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You can see some of the explosive charges really well in the collapse of the second tower. Great footage.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Can't believe those CIA agents are filling the webs with so much hatred.


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Why would they set off explosive charges while also flying planes into buildings?


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To make people think it was the planes.


Towers wouldn't fall otherwise, wouldn't be as impactful and Larry wouldn't get as much insurance.


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>Towers wouldn't fall otherwise


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Hidden and reported.


Towers would have fallen to either side due to leaning from the impact, instead what you get is a controlled demolition.


Not only that but the buildings were designed to withstand plane impacts and there were other, smaller buildings hit by planes that didn't collapse like that. And of course, WTC-7.


Another banger from the preschooler stuck inside the body of a middle-aged mutt, Silverstein will definitely give you a blowjob for that.


all you do is come here to spazz out like a schizo kike every day? Fucking pathetic. USS Liberty and 9/11 will never be forgotten.


take your meds, schizo.


Quit ruining this meme, Meximutt macaco.



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