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>Inspired by the novel by Victor Hugo, the story of a young nineteenth century scarred by a scar, which makes a discovery that is destined to change all his life.

>David Locke (Jack Nicholson) is a world-weary American journalist who has been sent to cover a conflict in northern Africa, but he makes little progress with the story. When he discovers the body of a stranger who looks similar to him, Locke assumes the dead man's identity. However, he soon finds out that the man was an arms dealer, leading Locke into dangerous situations. Aided by a beautiful woman (Maria Schneider), Locke attempts to avoid both the police and criminals out to get him.

NEXT WEEKS THEME: Starring Mary Pickford


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The Black Pirate. One of the very first features to be shot entirely in colour.


Any anons ever find more info in wigger (2010)



>the story of a young nineteenth century scarred by a scar

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