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Why did they pick Pikachu, out of all 151 or the original Pokemon, to be the mascot of their franchise? At first I thought it was because of the cute design, but Pikachu wasn't that cutesy in the original game. They chose to make him cuter so he could be the mascot. But why Pikachu? Why not any of the starters, or even something like Growleth or Eevee? Eevee would actually be a perfect mascot since its a dog, the most relateable kind of pet there is, and it has the potential to become any other type of Pokemon.


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Yellow has long been associated with judaism and now you know why theres always a yellow mascot pushed every decade or so on the west.


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Pikachu was inspired by someone on the team's cockatiel.


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Reptiles (all the original starters) are all really slow and uninteresting pets, whereas there are several rodents that people regularly keep as pets.


Eevee is the mascot for pokemon in Japan. Not a bad choice considering you only got one in the first game and could only change it with an element or evolve it once it was among the most difficult pokemon to collect all variations of.


Pikachu makes the most shekels sadly, but I like Eevee a lot as well. Any niggers remember Pokemon 2000 or 4ever? Those were actually some enjoyable films even in watered down dubs. Both Mew2 films were also fun since the series wasn't able to be so totally childish in the americanized way as well.


I always wanted to get an iguana but after reading about how fragile they are and how much goes into keeping them alive, I passed.


The main mascot shifted a lot early on, venusaur and charizard lines were the initial mascots for the games' cover art and title screens.
Then they picked clefairy for a bit.
pikachu ultimately became the main mascot just because it was featured in the show, I think the director has shared why it was chosen, but one evident reason is that the base starter pokemon along with pikachu and charizard all had the initial concept art done by the same woman, so it looks good alongside the already established mascots of the games.


He's a cute little mouse. Find another Pokemon from the original gen that was as cute as Pikachu but marketable to both sexes. Go ahead, I dare you.




Mewtwo cause its cool


I liked all of the Pokémon movies up until the one with Lucario. That one just felt like a normal episode that was stretched out.


I'm a big Nintendo fan but I've managed to go 30 years without playing Pokemon. Just dodged the entire franchise. It's not my cup of tea.


>I'm a big Nintendo fan but I've managed to go 30 years without playing Pokemon. Just dodged the entire franchise.
I think I might have played one of the Pokemon Stadium games once that a neighbor kid was renting, but otherwise I'm in the same boat.

I might give Pokemon Red a try at some point, but it's not much of a priority for me.


Clefairy is for girls and queers.




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I can't think of one
Starters are reptiles, which aren't as cute to women
Eevee is the closest, but being normal type is a hindrance, pikachu being electric type makes it more marketable


You missed out on childhood. You will never know the feeling of pokemon snap or getting all the gym badges on road trips.


Pokemon games were a lot of fun, anime was good as well.


Pokemon for me was always too commercialized and light on story and depth. It was like they wanted to create a franchise designed for selling a lot of toys and merchandise by virtue of having a slew of cutesy characters which would appeal to young children, encouraging them to collect them all.


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Pokemon gameplay became profoundly deep as the series went along.
The last game before they began cutting content at a major scale had over 800 Pokemon and over 700 different attacks the Pokemon could use.
The games were always easy enough that you didn't really need to look deeply into them but there was a lot of stuff going on under the surface.


That's exactly what it was made for and it worked as intended. I was a fan of the original games as well when I was a kid. The problem is when manchildren go into denial mode about what the Pokemon franchise is.

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