Anonymous 10/05/24(Sat)04:31:56 No. 341677
>greatest war movie ever made >greatest cinematic epic ever made >greatest historical drama ever made >greatest biopic ever made >greatest adventure film ever made What made it so amazing?>not a single female character Oh right.
Anonymous 10/05/24(Sat)04:35:13 No. 341678
>>341677 I'm sorry to differ with you, sir, but T&A would improve any film.
Anonymous 10/05/24(Sat)05:36:15 No. 341683
White people don't know how to make good epics. The best epic films were made by us Indians.
Anonymous 10/05/24(Sat)07:04:00 No. 341690
A good film about a british zogbot sadly.
Anonymous 10/05/24(Sat)08:47:12 No. 341696
Anonymous 10/05/24(Sat)11:53:26 No. 341709
>>341696 Glad to know you are still here Armondfag.
Ramon White 10/05/24(Sat)21:58:54 No. 341730
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)05:44:26 No. 342044
>>341690 The movie is fairly critical of the British government and its various schemes.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)07:54:45 No. 342051