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/bane/ - Big Guys (4U)

Crashing this plane with no survivors
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File: 1588362163757-0.jpg (642.17 KB, 3060x1628, 765:407, Convict-Conditioning-Progr….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1588362163757-1.jpg (662.54 KB, 3060x1628, 765:407, convict-conditioning-summa….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>It's apparently meant to be a home away from home for /fit/izens since 4cuck /fit/ is the last one that's still active.

so /bane/ are bodyweight routines memes or worthwhile? I was thinking of getting some olympic rings now that there aren't any gyms to go to


Depends. Most of these are memes - especially if you're doing basics. You don't need that bridging work out if you're just looking to lose weight but it will help if you're trying to increase your flexibility etc.

It's the issue with stuff like "DA DEADPOOL WORK OUT" is it doesn't tell the reader what it's attempting to accomplish. Also "One handed push ups" are a meme. Do slow military push ups.


>being gym cucked
thanks but no thanks


>you have to go to the gym to pick up heavy things
>being no brain cucked
Literally just pick up some rocks, niggers in Africa get swole doing that.


sure thing buddy


>being passive aggressive
You're taking the wrong hormones, you're supposed to take TESTOSTERONE not ESTROGEN.
And yes, it is a sure thing, rocks = weight, you picking up rocks = you lifting weight, you lifting weight = your bitch twigs getting bigger.


>He doesn't soy lift
Heh, Welcome to 2020, caveman.
Things are changing and women?
They like a man with a brain.


I'll throw my rocks at your chicken legs and steal your brain when you fall over.


File: 1589711882140.jpg (90.74 KB, 680x510, 4:3, LET ME HEAR SOY.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I'm a pure soylent diet! Soy is strength!
Heres me and my crew




I want to hit every single one of them with one of my rocks.


I'd give Jenny my soylent, if you get my meaning.

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