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/bane/ - Big Guys (4U)

Crashing this plane with no survivors
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How far have you gone for a banepost?


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I've started arguments in youtube comment sections just to lure some randos into my baneposts.


Now do it IRL, if you're burger and you pull it off without getting stabbed/beaten to death by niggers you are officially the biggest guy.


What the fuck is a bloof


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>be me
>be in apprenticeship/technical training school
>they decide to call in this theater troupe to lecture everyone about sexual assault
>it's mandatory for all students to attend
>the acting is porno-tier, it's a bunch of short sketches that start as cringey comedy bits and transition into people reacting to rape and shit
>there's a bit where they call men from the audience on-stage to represent muh toxic masculinity or whatever the fuck
>think it's all pretty lame, pretty much just tuning everything out
>suddenly get a fantastic idea
>me and like 3-4 other guys on stage in front of everybody
>they tell us to parrot one of SOCIETY's male stereotypes and strike a macho pose
>everyone does generic shit like "Men are STRONG" while flexing their biceps or something
>they get to me
>my plan goes into action
>grab my belt
>stand with feet shoulder-width apart
>glare into the distance
<"You're a big guy."
>laughter rumbles through the theater
>get to repeat my line a few more times
>after it's over everyone tells me I was great




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