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/bane/ - Big Guys (4U)

Crashing this plane with no survivors
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File: 1588564464108.png (576.07 KB, 691x692, 691:692, 1579973835431.png) ImgOps iqdb


When is it time to cut?


10% weight increase.
I'll use baby match but lets say you weigh 100kg (I fucking hope not but we're making this accessible)
When you're 110, start to cut.


What in the hell is wrong with that guy's skin? He looks like he's festering.


He's a big guy


I think it's hair, but the picture quality is so shitty it's hard to tell.


I hope you're right, because that looks like he has some kind of skin disease that needs legit medical attention.


I'm more sure it's hair now, he's clearly a few years older in that second pic, some dudes don't get shit for body hair until their mid 20's then they start turning into t*rks all of a sudden.


File: 1590888014128.png (299.16 KB, 1882x892, 941:446, 1382614642483.png) ImgOps iqdb

how old are the two of you? this is proof that steroids cant help with shit genetics.


>how old are the two of you
>this is proof that steroids cant help with shit genetics.
Neither of them said anything about steroids affecting his genetics, they were wondering if it was body hair or a fucked up skin condition.
What does your post have to do with anything in those posts?
God damn I hate people like you so much, just posting off the wall garbage that has nothing to do with anything you're quoting and then acting condescending as if you owned someone by bringing up random bullshit, suffer and die you tardbrained niggerton.
If English isn't your first language and you made a mistake then forgive me, I'm just tired of stupid faggots posting completely random replies as if that automatically makes them funny.



I went full gorrila mode in my late 20s after a lifetime of being relatively hairless. It is all short and curly and looks like that in bad light with a shitty phone camera.


File: 1591746057514.png (1.67 MB, 736x992, 23:31, 1591012267066-2.png) ImgOps iqdb


If you're greater than 15% body fat it's time to cut

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