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/bane/ - Big Guys (4U)

Crashing this plane with no survivors

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File: 1638676011310-0.png (809.78 KB, 1950x1950, 1:1, Cinematic_Initiation_Archi….png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1638676011310-1.png (162.28 KB, 1409x1169, 1409:1169, BigGuy Rating index.png) ImgOps iqdb


A continuation of the old thread, now laying decrepit in the ruined halls of 8cunt.

The purpose of the archive is to document, study, and reveal the fire rising in non-canonical kinos. Movies in the archive are rated based upon the patented BigGuy Rating Index™. While the rating system is designed specifically for cinematic works, it has occasionally been applied to other significant works of media. (Excerpt from the bane wiki)

Currently, very few pieces of media have been measured on this scale, and we need your help to chart the cinematic, literary, and theatrical worlds with links to the baneverse.
Every time you watch/play a piece of media, post it here with its respective BigGuy Rating.


How do i HEP this fire rise?


The Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers

>There is a big guy

Treebeard is a very big guy for Merry and Pip +20

>There is a masked man

The witch king, also the Rohirrim wear masked helmets +10

>"You have no power over me"-line

"You have no power here, Gandalf the grey…" close enough +5

>Extreme pain is mentioned

What constitutes a mention? Theoden is clearly in extreme pain while being released from the spell, Gollum complains of the extreme pain of being tied up by Sam and beaten by the Gondorians Half points +5

>People get captured as part of a plan

Merry and Pip are prisoners previously captured as part of Saruman's master plan, Gollum is caught as part of Sam and Frodo's flight plan, and Sam, Frodo, and Gollum are caught as part of Faramir's troupe's plan of intercepting spies +10

>Heroic Sacrifice

That elf that Eragorn knows in Helm's Deep who shows up to die like 10 minutes later. The time from when we're introduced to him to his deeply moving dramatic death scene isn't that much longer than the plane scene. Due to this fact and his passing having the exact same level of emotional impact as the wreckage brother's wreckagening, double points +10

>Plane Scene

If helicopters qualify then I'm going to admit the fell beast as a plane scene. Half points +5

>Mercenaries are involved

The wild men that Saruman recruits are mercenary soldiers. They're surprisingly loyal to him and are never depicted as being actually paid by him (he just fires them up with a speech) +20

>There is a hothead

Sauron is mostly shown as an eye of fire, but unfortunately he doesn't get out of there until the next movie +10

Total: 95



That's a big post



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