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File: 1682041404374.png (1.63 MB, 887x1200, 887:1200, Aerie.png) ImgOps iqdb


Post em


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Always and forever


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>Picking the bog witch that fucks mabari
For me, it's Shaper Valta


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>father is a gun collector so she was raised around guns and is likely pro-2A
She's perfect. It's just a shame what they did to her in the remake.


I'm more of a Yuffie man, myself. Flowergirl is a total whore though.


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I was there for the moment in television history when they aired Fatal Fury and showed her thong, then, by the time they rebroadcast it, they blurred the thong shot because fundies probably complained. One of my first animu and my first waifu.


>fucks mabari
What the fuck kind of mods did you install? I'd rather bring the end of the world with my witch waifu


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If we're hebe-ing it's Dagger for me


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Because I'm not a degenerate alien lover


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
God, FFIX was so good. Maybe even too good. It killed the franchise because everything afterwards being absolute dogshit. Which isn't bad in and of itself, either, because it's an excellent final edition to end on.

A VOICE FROM THE PAST, JOINING YOURS AND MINE am i a bad person if i liked freya?


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2nd Best ass in Mass Effect


It not having a convoluted story and romance really set the bar to a level they can't or don't want to reach again.

Who's first? Female Shepard?


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>Who's first? Female Shepard?


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There's also a sex scene in the game with full nudity and gratuitous shots of her ass, goes to show there are still some heroes at Bioware




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Sophitia Alexandra is low key best Soul Calibur girl.


I fantasized about her 20 years ago.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
lowkey fire ngl bruh fr fr
For me, it was Seung Mina. I fantasized about shoving away her loincloth and giving her the dick with my penis.

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