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/ch3/ - Video Games

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Accurate description of alogs.space/kong/


"sorry for bringing up hitler" - norm


I don't get it, why have /kong/ AND /ch3/ on the webring? /cow/ and /tv/ are one and the same and that is known, so having two different boards for the same topic seems a bit redundant


What that faggot did now? He's getting demented with all the PPP hrt cum.


the old julay /v/ was really good before rapefugees from 8kun ruined it
I don't think anybody touches /kong/


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Looks exactly the same as the other /v/ boards, advertising themselves as wild crazy boards but when you go there d it's the driest fucking threads you've ever seen, no jokes, no shitposting, just stale discussions and everyone trying to one up each other on who can be the whiniest most joyless person


it's more active than this shithole


>people have actual discussions about video games
You have your dead shitposting shithole. Enjoy.


Gayhole decided to open a vidya board on his dead site for some reason. /kong/ existed for years.


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>Nuzach be like
>I will never use this site again, why people use tvch? Awful site, I hate everything about there! Pay attention to me, okay?! My opinion is important!
<for at least two years is always online during the weekends and decide to be here instead of any other place
He's like a mentally broken woman.




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Whats wrong with dakkadakka?


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cuckchan /v/ or zzzchan /v/?
don't really matter, both are trash


>Asston janny
>dick sucker
>constantly posts cringe shit
>mirror channel



Wheres the greentext of The Sims's Interracial Breeding Grounds anons? That was pretty kino.


just posted it


Not that one, im talking about the Louis CK presentation at E3 of The Sims 3 Interracial Breeding Grounds


I use both /kong/ and /ch3/.




I use all the /v/s except for truly dead ones like /geimu/ or smug/vg/ because only retarded faggots care about board wars instead of pursuing fun threads wherever they are.




Yeah I don't use the /v/'s run by pedophile freaks, its not about board wars its about not having to deal with annoying fags that just want to talk about fucking kids. zzz/v/ is literally just mark/v/ minus mark

I'm sure some of those guys are just, well being as fair here as I can, just borderline pedophiles who like some really sketchy-sketchy lolicon content right on the edge of what I might consider acceptable.

I prefer not to see any of that so I simply don't go on any of the boards where I see content I dislike, thus solving the problem of potential "board wars."


what a fucking gay way of speaking


This is exactly what I'm talking about I don't care about your stupid hangups if a thread looks fun I'm going to post in it otherwise I'm SCROLLIN' SCROLLIN' SCROLLIN'
simple as


Your choice as mine are my own.


ur choice gay
mine gay 2 but cool gay and wont hang out with ur choice


>filtered this hard


Also reddit spacing


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Which board still makes sticky Nintendo Direct threads? Despite it has been brought up for the millionth time that the company is 10 times worse than EA.


I know /kong/ made a thread a couple months back, you could always make a new thread there or here.


What I'm getting at is: Which type of /v/irgin is the one who gets really upset whenever you question their prioritization of Nintendo? Their banning methods are outdated but they still bitch and moan to their jannies just to delete your post.


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judging by the last part of your post, alogs.space

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