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File: 1684106711687.jpg (98.33 KB, 640x891, 640:891, 20230514_173837.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


This game was a lot of fun. Konami did a great job with it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
R̶e̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ Mortal Kombat DLC crossover when?


I liked the NES DuckTales and Darkwing Duck games a lot.


Oh yeah, the Capcom Disney era was great. Chip n Dale, Goof Troop, etc.


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Nobody who bought a Riddick game back when it first dropped expected this kind of quality, the developers really went above and beyond. It's a shame that you can't buy it digitally anymore


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
People usually regard the game as a good game.


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>Comments disabled


I still have this game, I used to play with some colleagues all the time after school.


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For those who don't know, Stranglehold was a sequel to John Woo's Hard Boiled in vidya form.


Sounds cool. Seems crazy to me that we have all these cinematic universes and shit but nobody is trying to make video games that follow on from movies and vice versa. The only one I can think of is that shitty MMO that was also a Syfy TV show and events in the show would impact the game world.


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Tiny Toons games were better.


That game was pretty cool
>tfw barrage attack with the dual desert eagles


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I still remember the part where the dad decided to go in a rampage against the LAPD because of their ebbin racism.


needed moar protests imho


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Ghostbusters: The Game was kino. Dan ACKroyd said it's essentially the third movie.


Yeah and even Sony executives took consideration on what he said and rebooted the franchise with the dykes from current SNL, a monkey's paw wish.


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I never saw that, was it any good?


It's bad and also not canon, so there's no reason to watch it even for the sake of completeness


It's all "in your face" humor mixed with The Office's awkward moments, surprisingly it didn't win any awards just to btfo the "trump supporting incels".


Only if you really enjoy fat, ugly women being unfunny.


Why yes I am a Jimquisition fan

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