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Post soundtrack from vidya
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File: 1694831284193-0.webm (1.45 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 01_Kinuyo Yamashita - The….webm) ImgOps iqdb

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File: 1694841593263-2.webm (1.84 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 03_Miki Higashino - Theme….webm) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1694841593263-3.webm (1.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 02_Naoki Maeda - Silvery ….webm) ImgOps iqdb


File: 1694842201077-0.webm (2.44 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 13_Gradius 3 - Cosmo Plan….webm) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1694842201077-1.webm (1.73 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 23_Gradius 3 - Final Shot.webm) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1694842201077-2.webm (1.65 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 06_Gradius 3 - Aqua Illus….webm) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1694842201077-3.webm (1.56 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 08_Gradius 3 - In the Win….webm) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1694842201077-4.webm (1.22 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 04_Gradius 3 - Departure ….webm) ImgOps iqdb


File: 1694874094854-0.webm (1.18 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 02_Shinji Tasaka, Motoaki….webm) ImgOps iqdb

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File: 1695350509036-2.mp4 (2.59 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, WildStar Extended OST_ Jus….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


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File: 1695961792280-1.mp4 (4.68 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Drill Dozer OST - 3rd Gear….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1695961792280-2.mp4 (3.32 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Sword of Mana OST 119 - Se….mp4) ImgOps iqdb




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File: 1698085191906-1.png (277.98 KB, 800x419, 800:419, Tsukasa Masuko - Megami Te….png) ImgOps iqdb


no but it did have vibration tech
it's pretty much the only good game besides Pokemon that gamefreak has made


Yoshi's decent for what it is. I prefer Yoshi's Cookie though.


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For me, it's Tetris Attack. I used to have so much fun battling my sister.


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Yeah, I like that a lot more than real Tetris.


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I'm getting ready for a garage sale, and I was going through my things and I have a first edition Pictionary board game set from the '80s that's like new that I picked up at a thrift store. Still has the original pencils and pads. I couldn't sell it.


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I got a mid 90s pc I play diablo on.


>mid 90s diablo
I heard on multipal other threads that game is the most homosexual of the diablos. interesting that you should play it…


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It's the best one. It at least has a cool atmosphere.


thats exactly what a homosexual who plays the most homosexual diablo would say


Diablo 1 is absolute kino. The atmosphere is the real deal. I also love the simplicity of it all, 16 levels down into eventually Hell to kill the dark lord himself. I also like that the classes are different but you can still all use magic, also later on if you stick with him, Warrior can be a great class, its just a real pain in the ass to level him if you don't use the duping glitch. Music is also very, very unerving and makes you feel the feel of the hero slowly descending to the underworld.
Say one actual reason why you dislike it.


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I just downloaded Devilution X to give the game another try. I don't know if I'll stick with it long enough to finish it though. Before I made it a good way into the game.
>if you don't use the duping glitch
How do you dup?


You take something, put it on the ground walk away from it, than you walk in the direction back to it to pick it up, as soon as its picked up you take a potion from the belt and you throw it on the ground, this turns the potion into the item you picked up.

BTW,this glitch doesn't work in hellfire 1.01, at least it doesn't work with gold, you'd have to find an expensive item and dupe it for gold. Either way this trick is used to speedrun through the game. Its kinda fun to do things that you aren't supposed to in the game, and cheating became an iconic part of the experience back in the 90s and early 2000s, one would see this love and manipulation of game mechanics/glitches truly shine in minecraft later on.


Oh and one more thing, I love Kirby 64's soundtrack.


Ahh damn, that sourceport sadly patches the dupe, you'd have to use the original version of the game for the dupe. It at some point still worked in earlier versions but sadly if you wanted to play hellfire with it you wouldn't be able to dupe on devilutionX.


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I was listening to that piece I posted the recently and that weird rhythm really hit the spot for me. It's definitely got some great music. I'm not all that familiar with the other Kirby games, but I think I like the music better than Kirby's Adventure's.
Oh, okay. I guess it really doesn't matter anyway, since I'm trying to do a normal playthrough now.


Yeah you don't actually have to dupe.


>Say one actual reason why you dislike it.
It's for homosexuals that enjoy playing the most homosexual of the diablos. I am not a homosexual nor do I enjoy playing one the most homosexual diablo


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I just beat the first Hell level. I've been enjoying the game more than I was when I first started. Maybe I'll even play Hellfire eventually.


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I killed Diablo last night and just loaded my game back and did it again. The rest of the level was harder than the actual boss fight due to all the advocates.


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Time to play Might and Magic series now fag.


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I got one of the Heroes of Might and Magic games from Toys 'R Us as a kid, but I don't remember which one. It had a minotaur or something on the cover. I couldn't get it running on my computer, but it came with King's Bounty or something like that so I played that instead. Playing that is the closest I've gotten to an actual Might and Magic game. Maybe I should look into one of those or the Heroes series, but I don't want something that's going to be too big of a time sink.

Right now I'm playing Diablo: Hellfire with a sorceror.


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I might as well derail the thread and ask which games of the original Might and Magic series are the best.


File: 1702086729053-0.webm (3.02 MB, 355x598, 355:598, Nobuhiro Makino - 12 - Ze….webm) ImgOps iqdb

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Such an uncanny copy of some other song I can't remember the name.


It depends on what you want. World of Xeen (4+5) are the best of the traditional Wizardry-lite era of Might and Magic, although 3 is almost as good, it's just shorter. 6 is the best of the latter, real-time era of M&M.


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I ended up getting 1-6 and the first four Heroes of Might and Magic games recently. I installed 3, but it looks like it's going to take a bit of configuration to get working. I think I'll start with 6 when I'm ready to really give the series a try.

Right now I'm distracted with Heroes of Might and Magic.


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File: 1705529206311-0.mp4 (1.51 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Amongst Allies - Bionic Co….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1705529206311-1.mp4 (3.97 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Main Theme - Bionic Comman….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


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