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File: 1691271658216.png (57.99 KB, 905x1118, 905:1118, 08cb58c263e5117635fe4506af….png) ImgOps iqdb


>theres a video game board


What would brenton do to jewsh?


>Why would brenton be jewish?
Good question


File: 1691428903677.jpg (694.59 KB, 1908x1146, 318:191, tarrantdup btfo'd.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Lmao the ugly manlet got mogged hard by a chad


Tarrantdup won


he won


a BBC in his jewish butt


File: 1691606191949.jpg (48.67 KB, 449x599, 449:599, Brenton_Gf.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

That dune coon's just mad that the bronze medal got taken from Omar Mateen.


Tarrant is a fed, he's what the jewish overlords want everyone to see as a modern "nazi", he's ugly, pathetic, manlet, repulsive and single handed destroyed all the gun rights in New Zeland


sage negated


Tarrantdup is a faggot and doesn't understand why basedhoole didn't want to make one at the time.


Ghoul is a fed


>There will NEVER be a video game board on tvch


Tarrantdup is a winner who won when gahoole said "THERE WILL NEVER BE A VIDEOGAME BOARD".
Based t-dup aka the winner


>it's an OP makes a shitty retarded thread and then blatantly self-bumps for months and possibly years episode


They never had any gun rights in NZ in the first place anon

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