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File: 1692918717008.png (Spoiler Image, 494.81 KB, 725x418, 725:418, Jimbo.png) ImgOps iqdb


ladies and gentlemen……Jim Sterling.


Please, report that video to the youtube


I like how even his Patreon paypigs got fucking disgusted at this pig.


Wtf is this creature




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I find it particularly funny that Jim Sterling trooned out and Linkara didn't.
Linkara has been a known BBC sissy bitch for like 15 years.


Linkara only crossdress himself


The end result of marrying a feminist.


"iTs AlL bEcAuSe Of WoMeN! nOt tHe jOooS!"


>All is forgiven Bing Bing Wahoo corporation
<I'll blow you

The love police won't do a thing about it.


Beautiful jewish queen!


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Those are some rockin mantitties


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He was never good, just picturesque, in fact I stand by my opinion as fact: Most of the worst channels on youtube on any subject are based in the UK.


Sterling becoming a tranny was a natural evolution after showing his bulls cum on his face. Guy was always a fag.


Jahans should eat Sterling.


He has always been an ugly, fat pig.


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But that doesn't stop him from showing his ugly ass appearance in front of the camera, just like Chris-Chan.


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The british are truly disgusting


>In June 2020, he became a naturalized United States citizen.In August 2020,Sterling came out as non-binary.Sterling uses she/them pronouns.
British are just proto Amerimutts




Some angloid tranny, people from /britpol/ and /cow/ love him as their God. He created some indie game about zombies or something like that.


Some leftist britbong youtube game reviewer. He married some ugly feminist, allowed his ugly feminist wife to fuck other men, trooned out, cried like a bitch because trooning out lost him a lot of subscribers and is now even more irrelevant then the typical youtube game reviewer. Just point and laugh at the freak show.


A truly sad individual.


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I used to watch him years ago when he collaborated with pic related. How do you fail harder at live than someone who died of asscancer in his thirties.


You really see the nigger genetics in that one.


>How do you fail harder at live than someone who died of asscancer in his thirties.
By being asscancer.


Metaphorically speaking Sterling is a cancer upon the internet and all of the minds of humanity as a whole.


Are you talking about you missing father, Nuzach?


Why does ramon make nuzach so angry?


Because faggots and niggers are fross?


Ramon is a mutt spic fucking a tranny, NuZach gets angry because he sees himself in Ramon, but actually charismatic and without a nigger dick in his mouth 24/7.


>tvtroons watch gay porn


Well that's because TotalDipshit died early, he already accomplished enough by having everyone hate his freeloading ass including his fellow progs at twitter and the wrong-thinking redditors. If he lived nowadays, he'd have become just another AmazingAtheist.


>If he lived nowadays, he'd have become just another AmazingAtheist
Vut vidya games oriented but basically that.




Good take, I agree with that, Nuzach is a mutt spic, but with a small dick and prone to homoerotic desires, but totally in denial.
That would also explain why he hates JBalvin and envies the italians.


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Ramon is ten times the man he'll ever be.


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I could see Ramon being a npc in GTA 6, but I doubt it, they lost their edgyness and humor with all the good old devs and writers leaving.
He buck broken that black tranny. Ramon is an honored aryan who fled Cuba.


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Sterling bros….


I am looking forward to the Trans500 where Ramon fucks Jim Sterling in the ass like the way Ramon fucks all white men in the ass.


>Troon awkwardly flirts with other men who don't really know what to say and quietly laugh it off

One of my favorite cringekino genres


It's one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen, especially because I remember reading Jim on Destructoid two decades ago when I was a teenager.
The 2010s and 2020 were a really, really, really bad period. I'd put that up with any other rapid societal collapse in history.


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Ramons seed is just that fucking potent


white men love it apparently
March on, gay nigger!


Holy fuck that made my liver hurt for some reason.


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honestly it's never good to see someone go like that but I am glad I don't have to see his gay thumbnails anymore


It's because of both you retard


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>Watched this guy's rant on The Surge
>Most of his complaints boil down to being too retarded to play the game
>See a video recommended years later
>He's now a furry troon who posts vore porn on twitter and has sex toy sponsors

Eurojank = troon repellent?


Honorary American, that's where he move to and lives.


Did you even read the post, I'm not talking about Jimantha


The (((youtube))) gayme reviewer to tranny pipeline is real.


Ramon is a homosexual crackhead nigger.



Get your eyes checked, anon.


Man. Yahtzee is lookin rough these days.


Bro, you are a mexican who larpers as a "MED" while spamming nigger dicks and cp all over the webring, is a bit ironic how you cope.



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