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Skyrim was a great game.


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Ruined the lore for the Nords and many other aspects of what makes Elder Scrolls great. Is a mid tier game, another typical Todd trash.


It's okay, it's fun for the first 40-80 hours and then you become disillusioned and it falls apart.


This has been what's happened with every single elder scrolls game. Strong beginning, and then the devs gradually stop giving a shit and the games all break down into buggy, lazy shitheaps.


Wrong. I probably don't have more than 1000 hours in Skyrim even with mods, meanwhile I easily clocked a couple thousand into vanilla Morrowind and Oblivion each, potentially Daggerfall too.


If you want to nostalgiafag over morrowind then fine, but let's not pretend like oblivion isn't famous for being a buggy piece of shit. And you didn't mention arena, which suffers heavily from dev laziness as the game goes on. The dungeons get less and less interesting and near the end of the game you just stop getting the story because the cutscenes are bugged.


Skyrim can be good with a lot of mods, more like just okay, its no Morrowind.
Oblivion can also be good, with mods where fans fix the game for the lazy devs because they are retarded and didn't realize that devs will become even lazier.


It's great because I can mod all of the sick shit I like into it, like every Bethesda game.


I'm not saying they aren't buggy (but even a lot of the bugs are more entertaining than Skyrim, like zipping around in Daggerfall or Morrowind or climbing out of bounds with paintbrushes or shooting Mehrunes with Wabbajack and watching him melt in Oblivion). I'm saying they are cool and engaging for me from beginning to end unlike Skyrim, which quickly grows boring. And I don't like Arena either so I didn't mention it.


Skyrim is a dogshit game with great presentation


>It's good with mods!
This mentality is what led to Starfield being barren and soulless. "It's a platform for modders!"


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In a way I'm glad Skyrim got so popular, because that helped older games in the series regain their popularity and demand in modern times.
So much so that Daggerfall got that Unity remake, and now it's even getting a spiritual successor.


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Looks ambitious. I don't know if they plan on having the scale be large. I wouldn't expect Daggerfall-large, but bigger than the 40-50sqkm of Bethesda games would be nice. Also hope they plan on implementing features that lean into the economy and law aspects of Daggerfall instead of regress from them like its sequels. I really like navigating with a boat on Valheim, so having a game like Daggerfall with detailed boating sounds great.


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The devs said they're making the world map huge, and a lot of stuff within it will be randomly generated, a lot like Daggerfall.


>this mentality blah blah
it was critique thise posts were not compliments i know anons are autistic faggots but come on


Does that pig person have 4 tits or am I seeing that wrong?


>Daggerfall Unity was created thanks to Skyrim
What is your source? Seems like some kind of cope and lie.


You might be wrong, it might have six tits.


I'm driving to the Israeli embassy today and DEMANDING they give me my vr waifu I deserve.


You deserve nothing goy


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How did it ruin the Nord lore?


Think the DLC did some odd mumbo-jumbo, I don't remember its been a while.


You mean Miraak?


I already have mine, in my heart anon.


dragon's dogma > skyrimjob



What the fuck?
Somebody uploaded all of Skyrim into Nexus, how is this legal?


Skyrim is the GOAT.


Fuckoff Todd


I wish DD was actually an online game. Would have been a lot more fun if all the pawns were real players. I liked the classes that focused on climbing larger enemies anyway.


Daggerfall is trash, it's the same design mentality as Starfield with it's 1000 planets


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it was ok, it was fun. Disappointing but serviceable, I certainly put a good few hours in it.


Skyrim is really good.


Fuckoff Todd


yeah I installed it then pretty quickly realized it's bullshit
it's pretty much the OG procedurally generated open world game


Every time I tried to play it I got some game ruining bug that magically deleted hours of progress.




boom boom boom boom
bang bang bang bang
butt-hurt butt-hurt


As far as random generation goes, Daggerfall is one of the best to ever do it.

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