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File: 1698038374566.png (667.36 KB, 625x550, 25:22, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb


>turn-based combat
>pointless minigames
>anime art style
>silent protagonist
>amnesiac protagonist
I love all of these things and no amount of fat neckbeards screeching will convince me they are bad.


Based fucking anon.

I love turned-based combat, I love cuckime art style, I love when the protagonist isn't a redditor, and I love when they have no memories, its almost like this was how 99 percent of kino games were made during the 90s, and yet these oversaturated tropes actually were okay because people tried their best to make them unique for the specific game, really makes you think.


Turn-based will always be the superior combat system.


File: 1698084302256.png (264.63 KB, 432x237, 144:79, Common JRPG symptom.png) ImgOps iqdb

>amnesiac protagonist
That shit is for faggots.
The rest are OK, though.


It worked well enough on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon EOS, which is probably the best Pokemon game ever made. It can have its place but I understand what you mean I think, its probably the most badly used of OP's listed tropes.


>t. redditor


>time travel
>damsel in distress


My wife in the making.


Zero Joss Whedon/Apatow/SunnyPhiladelphia-tier writing


Attractive woman


large-breasted THIN women
breast physics
butt cheeks showing


-Military SciFi
-Gritty anything
-Stable wholesome family
-Ending doesn't reestablish the status quo
-Rape implications


I've noticed their hatred for turn-based games too. Isn't only about jap games tho, but western indie games too trying to go back to classic style over AAA pozzed garbage.
See Darkest Dungeon which was really good indie game.


>nooo it can't play likea heckin' GAME ITS GOTTA BE REALISTIC


Darkest Dungeon sucks because the RNG is total horseshit not because of the turn based battles.


Seems like you're a spoiled faggot with skill issues.


I do not get people who bitch about gimmick stages in Platinum games. They're half of the fun.
What kind of a faggot doesn't enjoy a Space Harrier tribute?


lolk I bet you think BoI is a good game too faggot.


Are you an autistic spic? Serious question.


pick one


Whatever I am I'm not retarded enough to think digital dice rolls that can lead to instant ruination with zero input from me has anything to do with skill.


>silent protagonist
This only works for shit like DOOM and Half-Life, as soon as the protagonist has goals and motivations beyond running and shootin, or needs to talk to people, it just kills all immersion


Based RNG filtered (you).


Works for Zelda, too.


I am more talking about RPGs, in action/action-adventure games yeah who gives a fuck.


It worked in Chrono Trigger.


RNG works plenty well in ARPGs like Diablo 1 and 2, you could also always just cheat.


JRPGs aren't RPGs


Yes they are, and they are a damn good time.


>protagonist is the chosen one
>protagonist's home town is sacked at the beginning


I love how dragon quest 5 keeps both of these while doing a twist on them


It also does the silent protagonist thing really well. That allows it to throw some really intense stuff at the player without getting bogged down in the protagonist's mental anguish. It lets the players process the events for themselves. The part where you get turned into a statue and are forced to watch a strange child grow up before your eyes, for ten years, after having your own children kidnapped is one of my favorite moments in any video game story.

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