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File: 1698413574439.jpg (526.9 KB, 760x405, 152:81, 20231027_083217.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Is this a woman?


I'm gonna say yes just based on the lack of an adam's apple, but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong.


>I'm gonna say yes just based on the lack of an adam's apple
They have surgeries for that. The telltale sign is the skeletal structure. The jews haven't yet figured out a way to replace troon skeletons.


If you have to ask the answer is probably no.


>Sony game


Jesus Christ, my eyes are burning


The new face of gaming is looking…its looking like we were right for even trying to resist this shit during gamergay.


Is Snoy maybe the biggest cancer in vidya since the end of ps3 era?


Regardless of what all the gamergates are saying, the woman is okay, not ugly, but average. The sin is what they did to Mary Jane. At least she is white this time around.


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>Regardless of what all the gamergates are saying, the woman is okay, not ugly, but average.
It's still a confusing change regardless because they already had a good MJ model. And this is supposed to be a direct sequel to the first game, yet the new model looks nothing like the first game (pic related).


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Sony's MO is to decrease the attractiveness of the female characters with each new sequel
same thing happened with Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West
I personally think it's to appeal to the trans audience but it also might be to simulate the Wall


What's confusing about it? A tranny with a 90s cartoon superhero jaw wanted to self-insert and choose MJ as the surrogate for his delusions.


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It's not just MJ though, they did the same thing with the remaster of the first game where they gave Peter an entirely different face. Insomniac just can't decide what the characters should look like


Hahahaha, along with the literal cuck propaganda in this game. No wonder gayming is ded.


Nobody is going to answer your question because it's transphobic. Old unfuckable hags who got cummed and dumped by their local negroids need to stroke their egos, notice how every flaggot went apeshit over Lady Dimitretscu although she was just a decomposing bloated corpse, redditors tend to have mommy issues and are willing to scratch the bottom of the barrel.

Considering superheroes are jewish Mary Sue's, not so far from it, fucking Wonder Woman was based on a feminist dyke who wanted to legalize abortion and arrested for acting like an overgrown child.


This so much sister we need more anime sameface characters that we can jerk our micropenises to


>mj looks like she's a decade older and a man
>peter looks like he's underage
Gee, I wonder why a pedophiletroon would have made those changes.

>acting like an overgrown child
But you repeat yourself.


So the remaster is the right image? Why does the PS4 version look more detailed?


Probably to look more like Tom Holland spider-man. But it doesn't really fit the game since it's about an established post-college Spider-man.


>But it doesn't really fit the game since it's about an established post-college Spider-man.


>cuck holland

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