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File: 1699073690617.jpg (264.86 KB, 1172x800, 293:200, 5244084-devil-world-nes-fr….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Has anyone had a chance to play this early Miyamoto masterpiece since it debuted on Switch Online this Halloween?

They said it was a Pac-man clone, but this is way more fun than Pac-man.

You play as this dragon who has to navigate the maze eating dots, while picking up crosses which allow you to breathe fire to take out enemies. All the while, the Devil is randomly shifting the stage in different directions, attempting to crush you against the wall. Eventually, you will pick up Bibles, which also allow you to breate fire, and you've got to bring them to a part of the stage to seal the Devil.

The biggest surprise for me was how Tamagon is to Yoshi what Jumpman is to Mario.



>switch online
I'll play this game with the waddle-doos fighting deformed yoshis on retroarch without having to pay for anything.


That's good, as long as you play it. It's a great game and goes well on a handheld.


I might play it on me oldie PS Vita or 3Ds, I got both home-brewed.


Does the 3DS add a 3D effect to old games not made for 3D? I never had one.


I don't think any virtual console port does, or at least most of them don't. Games remade specifically for 3DS like Majora's make use of it, I think.


3DS effect sucks anyways tbh


I just got a few of the cheap 2DS and hacked those for my siblings.


Only a few that were specifically remade for it, Kirby's Adventure, Kid Icarus, Zelda 64, Starfox 64, Tales of the Abyss are some examples.
There are also some pc emulators that do it now like 3DSen


Okay. I was just wondering if it was a feature that it could add pseudo-3D to non-3DS games, sort of like how Super Game Boy/Game Boy Color would enhance monochrome games.


I literally did the same thing, 2Ds I found actually easier on my hands because I got big ones.

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