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File: 1699139667511.jpg (143.11 KB, 720x809, 720:809, its over.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Todd bros….it's over…
I would not be surprised by this tbh. Most of these guys leave at around 50. Todd's influence is keeping the game within the confines of Bethesda's traditional mainline style. I honestly like that style….the problem with Starfield is that it was just a bad idea, was empty, and was designed to be a pure skinner box with the emphasis on ship building and settlements. IDK why but Todd has been autistically chasing after Minecraft post-Skyrim….but it completely sucks. The settlement/Minutemen in FO4 was shit and the entirety of Starfield is shit. It is just not what Todd and Bethesda or their engine is very good at. It is good at Daggerfall/Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim style games based around massive amounts of quests and lore. You cannot deviate from that formula and win while using the same engine and configuration. I wouldn't be surprised if Bethesda went to complete shit after Todd leaves. Say what you want but he is a competent white guy. That is a unicorn in cuckeogooms these days.


Todd won, he destroy soythesda


That's not a victory. He's the reason it is soy now.


Will todd redeem and make an actually okay game like Morrowind in the future?


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>I wouldn't be surprised if Bethesda went to complete shit after Todd leaves
Bethesda already went to shit. The last good thing they put out was Far Harbor EIGHT YEARS ago. In all that time all they managed to release was a shitty MMO, some mobile games and Starfield, a completely pathetic RPG that is way behind modern standards.


He is working on the Indiana Jones game, now that they recently got the IP, maybe after that he will retire.


after starfield I'm thinking it's not possible


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Todd's a stupid whore


Bethesda didn't even develop elder scrolls online, that was outsourced


>turning Bethesda over to Microsoft
Cool monopoly, yo.


The silver lining is we will actually get a Fallout game this generation which was doubtful before. There is no way Microsoft is going to wait a decade for Bethesda to make another Fallout when they have multiple RPG studios at their disposal.


>Still on PC
>Still shit games because Bethesda
>Going to be mismanaged until they die by Microsoft
Imagine giving a shit lmao


blizzard too


Nintendo is gonna get shit tier Activision-Blizzard ports now with no optimization to make up for their hardware being a generation behind.

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