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Let the seething begin


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Reminder that genshin impact's decisive victory as the player's voice award winner caused so much anal pain that they got rid of the category


I liked Alan Wake, but as soon I see the nigger woman FBI character I lost any interest for the new game.
Barely saw anyone actually talking or playing it, and yet, seems very popular among midwits and "professional" vidya critics, so let me guess, it's pure pretentious shit full of cutscenes??
People are calling it Alan Woke 2.

The only funny and interesting thing I see people say is how Starfield was left out, supposedly this is causing "uprisings" but I haven't seen any uprisings, just people laughing and saying it's a good thing and maybe Bethesda can finally learn something and make good games after being btfo'd this hard.


Games with MTX or gambling mechanics should be auto-disqualified from all categories

>it's a good thing and maybe Bethesda can finally learn something and make good games after being btfo'd this hard
Witcher 3 beating Fallout 4 by a landslide should've been their wake up call to step up their game, but I guess they just figure Bethesda is too big to fail. But it's really only going to take one more developer like CDPR to show up and Bethesda will become irrelevant


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>but I haven't seen any uprisings
You have to be an extremely desperate shill to be outraged by something like this.


The fact a chink gatchshit "game" won really speaks volumes about how shitty games are these days.

>they want you to believe this
<short clip of someone being shit at a platformer
>is better then this
<less short clip of someone shooting a few aliens with no resistance it looks like they don't even react to being shot
>don't watch the game awards
Both look like shit, but soyfield is leagues worse looking then the new mario.


Todd is a joke of a man, but redditors and nu-cuckchanners unironically started to shill him as Todd "God" Howard without never understanding the memes against him.


The joke was always that Bethesda games are buggy and underdeliver, but you know everyone and their grandma will play it anyway, which was true up until Fallout 76.


I thought it was Fallout4 though


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Fallout 4 and Far Harbor have their moments. Nuka-World is the real turning point, it was the first Bethesda game/expansion to dip below 70 on Metacritic and their first test of (literal) theme park game design that would become Fallout 76.


Was Far Harbor a DLC?
I never even heard of Nuka-World.
Fallout4 was when I heard normalfags complain about things I already noticed in previous versions, so I assumed that was the beginning of the end, maybe not the nail in the coffin for the brand for the overall consumer demographic, but I stopped after a play through of New Vegas.
Didn't get to enjoy Fallout3 because of constant nigger thieves stealing my copies, but I probably can't go back after playing New Vegas.


>Was Far Harbor a DLC? I never even heard of Nuka-World.
They're the two expansions yeah, Nuka-World is shit but Far Harbor is great, better than the main game

>Fallout was when I heard normalfags complain about things I already noticed in previous versions, so I assumed that was the beginning of the end

It had issues (railroaded dialogue, radiant quests, dumb main story etc.) but it's still a good time and was well received, wasn't until Creation Club that people really started hating Bethesda


Fallout 3 had such shit DLC compared to New Vegas. The only good DLC of 3 was Point Lookout, whereas the only meh DLC of New Vegas was Old World Blues (a lot of the humor in it feels reddit, otherwise I don't hate it I guess). Anchorage, The Pitt and Zeta were all way too linear. Broken Steel didn't add much interesting either. Zion Park is probably my favorite by a mile.


To be fair New Vegas had probably the best dlc of any game ever.


Maybe? I don't know. I want to argue with you, but I can't really think of anything better right now. I can think of better GAMES, but yeah, I am having trouble with the real argument you're making. I've been around the block a few times and either there is nothing or it's shit lol.


I never downloaded a DLC for any game. I thought the whole concept was absolutely niggerish. The most jewish invention in gaming history that is maybe only trumped by billboard ads in game in battlefield 2142.


Where the FUCK is Coffin of Andy and Leyley??? GIVE THEM THE AWARDS YOU FUCKING COWARDS.


I thought the game isn't even finished yet.


And yet it's still the best game of the year. Curious.


I want to play it badly, but I feel like I might enjoy it more when it's finished. I am somewhere after the first significant flashback, with the asthmatic girl.
(Tried spoiling but I don't know what the spoiler tag is on here. Hopefully the language is vague enough to not spoil anything anyway.)


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Hello newfren!


Most people aren't sickos like you who want to play a game about incest and cannibalism, made by a tranny.


I've posted here on and off since the site existed and I was on 8chan since GaymerGape. Just didn't know what the markdowns were. I'm used to [spoiler][/spoiler]. Thank you, though.


lol, filtered


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>To be fair New Vegas had probably the best dlc of any game ever.
They are definitely up there but Witcher 3 is the GOAT


>RE4 PS game of the year

>it's multiplatform

top kek


There should a game where it's impossible to wipe out 6 million of people, now that'd be thought provocative.


But there are plenty of WW2 games already.

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