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File: 1700800060577-0.png (197.43 KB, 256x307, 256:307, Star Wars Battlefront II.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1700800060577-1.png (185.52 KB, 250x358, 125:179, Jedi Academy.png) ImgOps iqdb


The Star Wars movies may be gay and soy, but the games are a whole other story. I've been replaying these two and they're still fantastic. What are your favorite Star Wars games?


I never understood the love of Academy. The campaign is so dull.
I much prefer the previous one.


I think the OG Battlefront 2 is the only one I like. Otherwise, I think Star Wars games are mediocre and the film franchise is probably the most overrated of all time.


The first Battlefront was really good too though. 2 was better but I didn't like how Cloud City wasn't brought over from 1 when that was easily one of the best maps.
You didn't like any of the Rogue Squadron games though? I thought they were fuckin great. Well except for 3 I didn't enjoy that one so much, especially the ground based missions which were shitty and didn't control very well imo.


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Fallen Order is a decent Sekiro clone even though it pretty back loaded with all the best bosses being at the end


Do the Knights of the Old Republic games still hold up? I never played them, but I remember they were really popular.


I like that it's semi-freeform, you get to play in an order you like while choosing different skills each time, it adds to the replayability. Outcast's campaign was much more polished though, and I liked how you're forced to use the guns a lot more, I felt like they were too easy to ignore in academy


I think so, I don't have the same patience for RPGs like I used to but I got pretty far through the first one before getting distracted by some other game so I think that's good props


I played a third of it or so a while ago and it seemed really good


The main draw of Academy is the multiplayer. I haven't touched the campaign in like ten years.
If you like the other BioWare games of that era (Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire) you'll probably like them. If you're not familiar with those, they're RPGs that give the player a fair amount of choice and have combat that's something like an RTS but from a third person perspective. The first one is a strong RPG that stays true to the spirit of the pre-Disney Star Wars movies. The second one is an unfinished mess praised by midwits because it "subverts le expectations" but it's still a decent game.


>The second one is an unfinished mess praised by midwits because it "subverts le expectations"
I don't remember anything in 2 being particularly subversive.


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From what I remember, it went with the "Jedi are not all that good", and "doing 'good' things can make things worse", such as giving money to beggars, means that they will not strive to work, and become a target of assault from other beggars who are jealous, and might even kill him, so don't give money to beggars, m'kay.


This is a mark of a still healthy society despite all its drawbacks.
In America it's virtuous to give money to poor, but it's a trick to make oneself feel superior.
Euros are more aware of the impact of giving it to them, so they avoid it generally.


>Euros are more aware of the impact of giving it to them
Probably because we have 300 social programs they can use, so the guy asking for money is either violent, asking for drugs/booze, or both.


Yes the Jedi (Jehudi) are evil. They train child soldiers and bring them into combat.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dave knew.

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